Wiser 2 integration

Hey folks - Be gentle, I’m new here :slight_smile:
Have recently moved into a property with a CBus Wiser 2 lighting system installed. After much youtube / internet self education, I am now quite comfortable utilising the CBus toolkit and PICD interface to edit my lighting system, but for the life of me cannot figure out how to integrate this into my Home Assistant (running on a NUC in my server room). Any help you can provide would be sincerely appreciated.

Thanks in advance

As an update to this, I purchased a new product called “AutomationBridge Pro” by Skaro which was able to pull my CBUS lights into Alexa and HomeKit for voice control, but I am still unable to get the lights visible within Home Assistant (which I have running on a NUC PC).
If anyone can shed some light on how I can get my CBus lights into Home Assistant I would be eternally grateful
Thank you

I too just moved into a house with CBUS and a Wiser 2 and am just starting to wrap my head around it all. Any luck finding a solution?