Wiser 4-Button Wireless Wall Switch (Zigbee2MQTT 2.0)

Schneider Electric Exxact Wiser 4-Button Wireless Wall Switch for Zigbee2MQTT (WDE002924)

Wiser Dim with 4-Button Wireless Wall Switch (Zigbee2MQTT)
Provides integration and control for the Schnider Wiser Dim with 4-Button Wireless Wall Switch. Built for controlling lights or group of lights. :bulb:

Schneider Electric WDE002904/MEG5001-0300


  • Allows for turning lights on/off
  • Adjusting brightness (Dim)
  • Toggle mode
    • On/Off buttons will toggle the light state instead of fixed on/off actions.
  • Fixed brightness
    • Set a fixed brightness value at turn on.

:white_check_mark: Tested and works with Zigbe2MQTT 2.x

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