Wiser hub secret key

Hi, have a wiser hub for lighting in Australia (not the Drayton heater), and am not able to obtain the secret key using the Has anyone managed to integrate the australian clipsal version of the wiser hub into HA?

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I have the same situation, any luck getting it sorted??

New house with a wiser hub connected over ethernet but I can work out how to get the api secret either. I’ve tried going to the link provided in the wiki http://{IP}/secret but it doesn’t look like there’s a web server running.
Has anyone manage to work this out? I hope so…

Wiser Hub

I am about to set one of these up remotely (my dad already has it, i am giving him a home assistant), he seems to be struggling to get the SSID to show…sigh…

I note you can’t visit the URL in a browser, you need to use one of these commands:

  • For Windows use this in powershell window Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseBasicParsing -Uri
  • For Linux (or Windows WSL) use curl

I tried curl and powershell to the ip provided by my browser but no luck.
I also disconnected the ethernet and went back to wifi but still nothing.
Tried the set up button again but it doesn’t broadcast a SSID.

I don’t want to reset the hub and have to set everything up again…
Once you work out your dad, please report back.

Any luck on this one yet guys.
Ive tried resetting the wiser hub and managed to connect to the wifi on my laptop, tried the 2 methods above via powershell but no success

on a positive note by clicking the reset button on my hub to put it in setup mode and enable the wifi broadcasting i was afraid i would lose my connected devices but reconnecting it to the ethernet cable all is still present and good

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Hi, By going in to setup mode are you able to get the secret and install it in to home assistant?

Hi all
I guess nobody managed to integrate wiser hub into HA yet. I’ve couple of these devices but no luck to get them work with HA yet :frowning: