I am working down my zigbee journey, and have now come across another issue which I am struggling to explain.
I have a Wiser Schieder TRV connected through zigbee2mqtt, and everything is working as expected. HA identified the device and integrated it without any issues, generating a card on the default screen showing the current temperature, and allowing me to set the target temperature. Last night I set the temperature to 17°C, but when I checked this morning it was back on 20 °C. Strange I thought. I have checked all the MQTT messages I can find, and there isn’t any sign of retained messages causing this. I have reset the target to 17°C, and I see the message being published with this number. But it is still reset after some time. I have extended the logs now for zigbee2mqtt to see if there is a specific time this happens.
Have any of you seen this behaviour, and could possibly give me some hints about where to look?
Many thanks!