With command can help me to identifiy with coordinator is on my ttyACM*

Hello Everody, I run home assistant on a docker on my synology DS920+. But every time I need to shutdown the NAS, the coordinator change of ttyACM*
I have 3 coordinator (1 with Conbee, 1 with CC2351, 1 with Zwave)
The only command I know for show the ttyACM* is
ls -l /dev/ttyACM*
and I receive this information

@DS920:/dev$ ls -l ttyA*
crwxrwxrwx 1 root root 166, 0 Aug  5 11:48 ttyACM0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 166, 1 Aug  5 11:58 ttyACM1
crwxrwxrwx 1 root root 166, 2 Aug  5 11:39 ttyACM2

After i need to unplug Usb one by one to know who is who.
Is it an other command ?

Or it’s possible to make something for after a shutdown, the ttyACM Is assigned exactly as before the shutdown ?


You can use symlinks to show your devices always under the same name no matter if you plug/unplug/restart.

I wrote a detailed guide in my wiki in this part. Just let me know in case you face any issues.