I am trying to set up the Elk m1 gold.
Motions are being displayed as “violated”, which throws me off when I look at it as it looks like there is an issue? . Is there a way to map it to show a different text?
Thank you
I am trying to set up the Elk m1 gold.
Motions are being displayed as “violated”, which throws me off when I look at it as it looks like there is an issue? . Is there a way to map it to show a different text?
Thank you
It’s an ELK M1 Zone Sensor and that’s one of its valid states. You can’t change it but you can create an associated Template Binary Sensor configured with device_class: motion
- platform: template
friendly_name: 'hallway'
value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.hallway', 'Violated') }}"
device_class: motion
If you want the Template Binary Sensor to have an attribute also showing the “actual state” (for convenience), you can do this:
- platform: template
friendly_name: 'hallway'
value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.hallway', 'Violated') }}"
device_class: motion
actual: "{{ states('sensor.hallway') }}"