Withings Integration - Add attribute for when the value was recorded as of?

I would like to know if an attribute can be added to each of the entities that would show the date and or time of the last recorded measurement.

For example I own a scale and blood pressure cuff which I use at different times of the day. I would like to setup a reminder or notification if I fail to weigh in or monitor my blood pressure at the require interval(s).

The problem I am having is I cannot use .last_updated or .last_changed from the State Object as they seem to be updated or written to after a reboot of HA. Also if the data is pulled in after the last time they were actually updated, it will still not show the correct date and time.

Instead, if the actual date and time from when the measurement was taken could be made available, then automatons based on when the measurement was last taken could be more precisely made.