Withings Integration without External IP

My goal is to integrate Withings (weight, health app) into my HA without webhooks.

The front end error received when trying to integrate is:
No URL available. For information about this error, check the help section


  client_id: my actual client id here
  client_secret: my actual secret here

Other possibly relevant configurations:
Home Assistant OS 7.0
HA core 2021.12.7
Local IP is static on a /16 subnet

# No external_url is set. I do not want to open ports, etc
internal_url: ""

Values for home assistant on the Withings partner app (their website):

    Logo: requirements met with 300x300 image
    Description: Personal app for collecting my data.
    Contact Email: my actual email here
    Callback Uri: https://YOUR_NABU_CASA_ID.ui.nabu.casa/auth/external/callback.
       #This is exactly how I have it entered. I do not have or want a Nabu Casa id
    Company: Home Assistant

I realize the callback uri is wrong but what would i enter if dont use Nabu Casa or duck dns nor do I have a desire to open ports on my router.

Is this possible without these web hooks and keep things local? If so I am looking for a user friendly approach as I am not a developer.

Assume I am new to all of this and thanks for any help.

What you’re trying to do is not possible. The integration connects to withings cloud… withings cloud is taking information from your device.

A webhook does not give you access to the device itself. So no connection, no device.

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