Wiz Integration - Now Failing

Hi Everyone,

I’m only a week into HA and whilst everything seemed to have gone pretty smoothly, it’s now come to a crashing halt.

One of the first integrations I’d installed was the Wiz Lighting installation (https://github.com/sbidy/wiz_light) which went surprisingly smoothly for me first time around.

Kudos to @angadsingh & @Sbidy by the way, I was blown away at how well the integration originally worked.

Then…my router rebooted and I had stupidly failed to assign static IP’s to my Wiz lights…which caused everything to go pear-shaped.

I tinkered with this for ages until I finally gave up, restored an old HA snapshot and attempted to reinstall the Wiz integration.

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I continually get an error in the logs as follows:

## Log Details (ERROR)

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/__init__.py:326
Integration: Hass.io ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+hassio%22))
First occurred: 6:45:50 (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:04:52

* Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block collection in "/config/configuration.yaml", line 14, column 3 expected <block end>, but found '?' in "/config/configuration.yaml", line 15, column 3
* Platform error light.wiz_light 1 - Integration 'wiz_light 1' not found. Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration 'wiz_light' not found. Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration 'wiz_light' not found. Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration 'wiz_light' not found. Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration 'wiz_light' not found.
* Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration 'wiz_light' not found. Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration 'wiz_light' not found. Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration 'wiz_light' not found. Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration 'wiz_light' not found. Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration 'wiz_light' not found.

My config.yaml is here:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate
group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

  - platform: wiz_light
    name: wiz1
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: wiz2
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: wiz3
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: wiz4
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: wiz5

Any advice that can be offered would be greatly appreciated.

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Before anyone wastes any time on this, I removed it again and started the Wiz integration from scratch, all working now.

Don’t forget to make dhcp reservations for your bulbs, so it does not happen again.


My modem does not have the option to assign static ips and obviously, I can’t hardwire it into the bulbs.

Any chance we can get the systenm to refresh these, like the phone app (and google home) does?

im having issues with this integration from the start. As soon as I add the files to the custom components folder and add the config like yours… its then removes all entities with the light. prefix.

any way you could share how you installed this from scratch? Thanks!

Hi GuitarSkater,

So sorry that this is sooooo late, had been busy with work and therefore off HA.

Did you manage to sort this out or do you still need info?

Thank you for the reply! Totally understand being busy. I haven’t tried since my previous post, never got it working.

Any help you can provide I will gladly take.

I installed using HACS and no need to add anything to config.yaml

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is there a HAC for adding the Wiz lights to Home assistant?

WIZ integration started in the HACS store and was move to the main integrations inside HA. You originally need to configure each light in yaml.

If you add the new integration through the HA gui you have to add each bulb. Give it a name and it’s ip address. I still have them defined in yaml and works without a problem.

I can’t seem to find the integration within HA. Core 2021.6.5 doesn’t seem to show it. And it’s not listed as an integration on the website. What am I missing? (searching for ‘wiz’ )

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First you have to go to HACS and install the WIZ integration and then it will appear in the integrations where you select it.

I’ve read it’s in HACS and the regular HA integrations. I have found it in neither location. Can you tell me what it’s called specifically and I’ll search again?

I have it installed directly as a git pull - I cant find it in the HACS store either … but wiz lights are working for me.

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Add your own repository in HACS: https://github.com/sbidy/wiz_light.git


My Wiz bulbs have been working fine for a few months, but now they don’t work at all. I’ve tried removing the integration, removing and trying to re-add the bulbs etc. No luck. It says “The bulb can not be connected via WiZ Light integration.” Any ideas? I have 10 bulbs.

Did you update to the newest version, V0.4.3? I read an issue posted on GitHub about color issues and rolling back to V0.4.2 fixed it. You may want to try it as well.

I’m still on 4.2 and not having problems with the 5 I have.

I did try the new 0.4.3, that didn’t fix the issue. I removed it and went back to 0.4.2 and no luck. These have been working fine for months, until they didn’t. Thanks for the suggestion though.

I did have some success this morning. I went from using a name to the ip address and I’m able to add bulbs. Maybe something happened with DNS lookups?

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I’ve been getting things setup with HA recently and had my WiZ bulbs working fine. Then I decided to move all my IoT stuff into its own IP range along with the WiZ bulbs, I just added DHCP reservations and power cycled them.

I was kind of determined to find the location where the IP address was stored and I found it in: /config/.storage/core.config_entries

All I did was change the IP addresses to the new reservation addresses and restarted HA, they came right back online and are working great now. For path reference I’m running HAOS from the VMWare OVA image in ESXi.