Wiz - Invalid Color Mode light is going to stop working in Core 2025.3

Posting this for someone else…

LetThatSinkIn — Today at 10:59 AM
Just in case anyone in the future ends up here, and actually uses the search function if you have a Wiz light (the recessed down-lights in my case) and were getting the warning about Invalid Color Mode and that the light is going to stop working in Core 2025.3… it’s worth going through the trouble of unblocking them from the internet if you’ve done that. I had about 12 lights that were on 1.29.0 and once they had unrestricted access to the internet for about 30 mins all lights were on 1.31.0 and the warnings in HA about invalid color mode have gone away. And now they are blocked again.

Didn’t take a screen shot of the error, unfortunately - and I don’t think it stores the logs beyond the last reboot? But it’s the issue they are talking about in this HA dev blog It is now required for lights to set color mode | Home Assistant Developer Docs.


I have 74 Wiz bulbs. Some of them are currently showing color_mode: unknown when I look at them in developer tools. I don’t have them blocked from the internet and they are all apparently at the latest firmware.

As an example, a BR40 bulb…

It appears that ALL of my BR40s are like this (above).

A BR30 has a color_mode: color_temp

So now I’m wondering how to get a color_mode onto my BR40s!

I would personally contact the mfgr like the HA warning states.

(After I source power reset these devices and reboot the HA host.)
Just to clear the decks and make sure everything is running the versions you think they are.

Hopefully it is a problem in the Wiz integration that can be fixed.

According to this (below), color_mode is not reported by Wiz integration to Home Assistant when an effect is being used.

Taking the BR40 bulb above, 5496BC, when I set it to plain “Warm White” instead of the effect of Plantgrowth it does send a color_mode to Home Assistant.

I decided to check on mine and it looks like color_mode works fine no matter what effect I choose. Firmware on all my bulbs (60) is 1.31.0 and HA 2024.3.1. I tested it on a few others and all of them seem to be fine in regards to color_mode. Maybe it’s something relating to just the BR40s?


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Now I’m lost. I set it back to Plantgrowth (so the plants don’t die hahaha) and it still shows correctly in Home Assistant.

I can reproduce it with other bulbs showing unknown for the color_mode. Setting it to Warm White and then back to the original scene keeps the color_mode in place.

I just restarted my Home Assistant to see whether this persists. It does NOT.

Back to this after Home Assistant reboot…

I still get this in my logs.

Here is the procedure I have to follow to get Home Assistant to get a color mode reported to it from the Wiz Integration.

After a Home Assistant restart I have to set the Wiz bulbs to Warm White and then back to the effect that I wanted in the first place.

After that Home Assistant gets a color mode set.

What a pain but oh well. I can automate that and key off a Home Assistant restart.

EDIT: There is already a bug report created for this: