Wiz Lights Unavailable

No idea what’s happening here but every once in awhile my Wiz A19 lightbulbs drop to unavailable in HA and can’t be configured after that. Any solutions or tips on how to go about troubleshooting this?

Did you assign static IP addresses to the lights?

Yep, that was my first plan of action. Tried that for a few days and that didn’t work out so well. Reconfigured it, changed it to DHCP, connected it properly and everything worked….until, I turned the smart switch off and then back on and it was back to unavailable but working in the wiz app. Currently still unavailable

Any update on this? Any other tips? @avd706

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I noticed mine are acting up, but I just got a new router and thought mine were out because they changed ip let me check over there weekend to see.

Is your system working? Everything is working under 2022.10