I have a strange problem, at least for me. All commands are done via the terminal addon in HASSO.
I do have set a static IP on the ETH0 Interface where the whole routing is working well.
I do have set a static IP on the WLAN0 Interface which I can ping. The gateway is which I also can bing.
I have added a static route via WLAN IP I thought it should be the gateway IP but this is not accepted. Gateway for this subnet is which I can ping as well.
Unfortunately I am not able to ping any other device in this subnet. e.g. ping
For example another device (my iPhone) is located in the same WLANsubnet with IP where I am able to ping the subnet 110 as well any device in it.
I am not sure if I have done a or more then one command wrong to give me such issue. I also tried to follow the other post “WLAN configuration hass / raspberry pi 3”. But I can’t see any folder “system-connections” nor the “resin-wifi” file.
Any support is more then welcome. And please be patient with me as I am a Rookie on Linux.
Thanks Markus