WLAN unstability

I’m having unstability issues with my Hass.io when it’s connected only by wireless.
If the router is booted, the hassio never reconnects to the wireless again. Anyone else have the same problem?

I have this problem from the start, without any 3rd party configuration or any config at all on the hass.io.

If you are running the Hassio image based on HassOs I had intermittent network issues. I had to reboot Hassio to recover. I am now running Hassio on Linux with no such issues.

That really sounds like something that should be reported as an issue on github.

As a former UNIX admin I am more comfortable with Linux anyway.

As a former UNIX admin you should know connecting a server via wifi is far from ideal in the first place.

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True, but at that time i was just starting to test HA on a VirtualBox VM (bridged NIC) on my laptop which was Wi-Fi connected. I am not running Hassio on Raspbian Lite on a Pi connected through Ethernet.

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