Wlan0: link is not ready

Soved it for me too booting with the USB with WIFI config again!!
…so the wifi config was suddenly lost?

After fighting for almost one week against wifi not working/enabled on my fresh new HA installation on raspberry pi 3+ 64 bit, yesterday I found a workaround that worked for me.

Let me share these few instructions with all Community people that have the same issue from time ago and have to use HA plugged to the ethernet cable instead of using the wifi.

Requirements (I think the workaround may work with any Hassio version and Raspberry Pi type, but let’s see. Below mine):

  1. latest Hassio version (I have HA v0.104.3)
  2. lan cable
  3. SSH & Web Terminal Add-on from Frenk ( :+1:) already installed on Hassio
  4. USB key

a) login in to HA as usual
a1) follow these instructions on how Configure Network for HA
a2) insert your USB key in your Raspberry PI
a3) shutdown or reboot your HA
a4) login again in HA
b) go to Hassio and add SSH & Web Terminal add-on (if not already done). Configure it with “login” and “password”. Save and start the service
c) open up the Terminal window on the HA navigator. If you get an error at the lauch, please reboot HA. Then, try to re-open the Terminal
d) if success, type following commands at the console level. (No root or particular authorization are required):

  • ip a (it gives back the state of your network interfaces). You should see: wlan0:<NO CARRIER, BROADCAST etc…

  • nmcli device wifi list (you should see a list with all wifi networks near/close to you)

  • nmcli device status (it gives you the state of your devices). You should see:
    eth0 ethernet connected Wired connection 1 [note, this line couloured in green]
    wlan0 wifi disconnected – [note, this line couloured in red]

  • nmcli radio wifi on (this should turn your wifi on)

  • nmcli radio all (it reports the status of all your network services). You should see:
    enabled enabled enabled enabled [all these entries are coloured in green]

  • nmcli connection show (reports the status of network connections). You should see:

Wired connection 1 … ethernet eth0
<there’s a name here> … wifi –

  • nmcli device show (provides a long detailed list of all network devices it discovers). You should see:

GENERAL. TYPE: ethernet
[many other raws follow, but you’ll also see the following line]:

[and no more other raws for wlan0 interface, meaning that it is not working yet]

  • nmcli connection up ifname wlan0 ap [pls type your SSID name] --ask (this is the definitive command. It rises the wlan0 iterface and queries to yor modem/router - hopefully password protected :wink: to let your device to authenticate your HA against it
    You should see the following response message from the router:
    Password or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network ‘’
    Password (802-11-wireless-security.psk): - type here your wifi password -
    Then you’ll ge the following message:
    Connection successfully activated (D-bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Active Connection/6)

ALL DONE! If you can see this message, it means your wlan is now fully working and you should finally see in you router/modem a new ip address of your HA in wifi

  • nmcli device show (now you should see the wlan0 and all full properties related, even the IPV4.ADDRESS field finally showing the assigned IP address

  • nmcli device status (finally the wlan0 STATE is now CONNECTED

  • ip a (you can se all your interfaces, even wlan0 with all data. Take note of the new assigned IP Address and double check it against your modem/router. If you can see it, you’ve have addressed you wlan issue on HA running on Raspberry PI)

For any reference about nmcli commands: https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/nmcli.html

PS: this workaround works even you shutdown/restart Hassio. No extra work is required

I hope this can help




I just got the same issue, after a clean installation. I have checked my router Fix IP List and my Rpi3B+ was not there, i just added it (and issue is solved.
don’t know how it was deleted)

Same problem here even with ethernet connection. It seems HA does not want to address this problem.
I am very turned off of this product after this kind of introduction.
First impressions are very important.

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Danke! :+1:

Damit ist das Problem gelöst!

Same problem here. A simple reboot to my router was enough to solve the problem.

This has been super helpful, I’m getting enabled after the “radio all” command but when I run the command to connect to the wifi I get either a bad pattern (could be because my SSD has a space in it?) or when I run nmcli device connect “myWifi 2G” password “correctpassword” i get Device ‘myWifi 2g’ not found. But the SSID does show when using the "nmcli device wifi list’ command.

What would keep my from connecting? I was connected before but ran a fresh install of the hassOS. Thanks for your help

UPDATE: Nvm, i’m not sure how but it’s working now. What I think fixed it was adding commands in the NetworkManger.conf file