Wled buttons in HA


I’m looking to set up automations or actions based on input buttons on my ESP32/WLED device. Specifically, I have a motion sensor connected to WLED. During the night, I want WLED to display its effects, but during the day, I’d like to use the motion sensor input to trigger standard lights in Home Assistant.

Is there a way to access or view the inputs (e.g., motion sensor data) from WLED via the WLED integration in Home Assistant?


Hi 3zkc9fyf,

What happens with the WLed integration is that turns WLed light into a Home Assistant light, so do an automation in the UI ant treat the led’s like they were ant other light.

Hi, Well I see all the enitties including the light of my wled device, but not the buttons, that is what I am after.

I see on WLED side there is a temp solution: