WLED: Change Preset without Turning On

Hello. I currently have WLED setup to read my calendar and update the preset based on the title of the calendar event. However, changing the preset turns WLED on vs leaving it in the current state. My calendar events currently run at 4am, well before it would turn on automatically at sundown. Is there a way to always set it as off or to read the current on/off setting of WLED and use that?

My automation is below. I also provided one of the presets which normally is called at 4am and does not include {“on”: true}".


alias: Change DigiQuad Preset
  - trigger: calendar
    entity_id: calendar.wled
    event: start
    offset: "0:0:0"
  - action: select.select_option
      entity_id: select.dig_quad_v3_preset
      option: "{{state_attr('calendar.wled', 'message')}}"
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If this is the only place you apply the preset you could set the brightness in your preset to 0 instead of 255.

Then when turning on your lights at sunrise set the brightness to 255.

I also use WLED Native from my phone to change the presets - so if I set all my presets (minus sunset) to “bri”:0 then I’d have to manually change the brightness each time I make a change.

Can Home Assistant query the current WLED power state, set the preset, and then reset the power state to the previous query value?