WLED Effects

HI All,

I have a WLED device and when I use a Toggle I would like to set a particular effect. The effect is the freqmatrix and it would appear to have 5 settings, but no matter what I try, I don’t seem to be able to get it to change to that effect.

When I use the card in HA, I can see that shows next to it

Freqmatrix@Time Delay,Sound Effect,Lowbin,High Bin,Sensitivity;;

I can see those settings in the Web GUI, So I have added


But that doesn’t change the effect. If I just say ‘Pacifica’ then it works fine.

Save it as a preset in WLED. The you can just use:

action: # or sequence:
  - service: select.select_option
      entity_id: select.your_wled_name_here
      option: "your_preset_name_here"