WLED Fixing Turn Off Behavior of Segments

Hey guys,

I’ve just started using HA and set up a long LED Strip (16m WS2812b) using the WLED integration and I partioned the strip into 5 different segments, so I can controll them as individual LED Strips. And for the most part it works great, I can assign each of them their own color, effects and all the other good stuff, but I’ve got one issue that I couldn’t find a fix for yet:
I can not turn off individual segments… only all the segments at once. Or rather, any time I turn off an individual segment, all the segments turn off (even though this is not shown in the entity states / the dashboard)
This is what it looks like in the Dashboard:

This does kind of make sense, as the WLED Software from Aircookie doesn’t support native “off switches” for the individual segments. However, what I usually do, when controling the LEDs with the WLED UI is setting the color of a given Segment to black (or brightness to 0). This works perfectly for me using the WLED App, but I don’t know how to do this with HA…

I’m not quite sure how to go about this… I though about the following two approaches, but I didn’t know how to implement them:

  1. Creating an automation that turns the WLEDs to “on” and set the color to black everytime they are turned off --> Drawback: The state of the WLED entities would always be “on”
  2. Change the configuration of the WLED turn off service to set the color to black instead of turning the device off --> Probably same drawback as before: State is managed properly
  3. Fixing this issue in the python implemention of the WLED integration. However, I don’t know if this is viable to do… I’ve got no problem coding with python, but I’m unsure about how to get my changes to work in my HA instance. Do I have build my own HA instance to do that? Or can I just fork the WLED integration repository and make a custom add-on that I can use instead of the default WLED integration?

Also, if anyone has a better idea on how to approach this, I’d be happy to hear it.

And thank you guys in advance for any help you can provide me with!

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Interesting idea. I never thought of using the segments like their own individual lights.

EDIT: Please forgive the quick jumps in thoughts. Was learning as I went…

You should make some template switches for each segment. This way, you can have the state check both the color and on/off position and correctly report on/off, as well as have the on command change the color of the segment.

If you wanted full control of each segment, you could make a template light.

This way you could control pretty much everything of each segment. In fact, I’ll get you started with the on/off command on a template light.

EDIT: Actually, we have a problem.

There is one main segment , Segment 0 by default. This segment has a few important differences to the rest of the segments.

  • Color transitions only work on the main segment
  • The main segment’s color is the one that will be reported to HTTP and MQTT APIs

There’s no way to get the status of these other segments. I just tried on mine by creating a few segments, but there were no state attributes or anything about those other segments.

But, the template light would work. Your template on/off command for each segment could just set the color/brightness for that segment via mqtt/rest/whatever api you’re using. No need to modify any code. As for keeping track of the state…you could just keep track manually. (If off command was sent, turn template light state off). You just can’t keep sync and it would be easy to get out of sync with the lights.

A bit more digging…

Wait, we’re back in action.


We can use a restful switch for the segments probably.

OK, lets just use some restful switches for each segment.

I turned on 2 segments and did a json/state request. Here is the output…

curl -X GET


There is only one on/off state and brightness for the main segment, BUT segment id 1 is reporting the color. So we can use that!

Frenck put in a feature request for having each segment report brightness. And it’s added to 0.9.2 milestone, so it could be there soon!

As for now, we’ll just change color to black/white. Once that feature is in, we’ll have way more control and dont have to just guess to which color to set it to for ‘on’.

color is an array of 3 or 4 bytes [R G B (W) ], for [primary, secondary, background]

  - platform: rest
    name: WLED Segment 1
    resource: http://IP_ADDRESS/json/state
    # Report this switch as on if primary color isn't [0,0,0]
    # Add the white value here if you have RGBW.
    # Also, we need to consider the main switch state as well.
    # If that is off, we might not even get color attributes....
    # Also, could use *this* sensor's name to auto pick the right segment
    # as an enhancement rather than hard code this to segment 1 for example.
    is_on_template: >
      {% if is_state('light.wled', 'off') %}
      {% else %}
        {% set color = value_json.seg[1].col[0] %}
        {{ not (color[0] == 0 and color[1] == 0 and color[2] == 0) }}
      {% endif %}
      Content-Type: application/json

    # We can only set color, fx, sx...not much. So I guess we'll change them to black for off.
    # As for 'on', not sure yet. Just hard coding 'white' here for now. 
    body_on: '{"seg[1]": [{"col": [[255,255,255]] } }'
    body_off: '{"seg[1]": [{"col": [[0,0,0]] } }'

TL:DR: I would create some template switches to control each segment rather than modify any WLED code and use whatever means necessary to get the state info for that particular segment.


First of all, thank you very much for your input! That was super useful and got me on the right track. And sorry for the delay. It took me a lot of time to actually set it up the way I wanted to.

Mostly because I took it further than original proposed.
I really liked your solution with the RESTful Switch, and it worked perfectly to turn segments on or off.
However, there were some issues with it:

  1. You had to specifiy the color it is turned on with in advance… It couldn’t just turn on the last color it showed.
  2. The on/off switch was seperate to the light entities that controlled the color, brightness and so on
  3. The on/off switch of the light entity would still turn off the entire led strip, not just the segment
  4. You couldn’t set the brightness of each segment individually

Therefore I digged a little bit deeper and build a solution that solves all of them. But before I go into how that looked like some notes first:
First of all, I do hope that no one has to go through rebuilding my solution as the next version (0.9.2) of Aircookies WLED Webserver should support the brightness and on property for each segment natively.
As soon as that is available I will also switch back to the default WLED integration myself.
Furthemore, the solution I build is not optimal in the least… it’s just what I came up with after a lot of trial and error. I’ll point out what or how it could be done better in the end.

Now let’s get to it:
To overcome the first issue, you can just delete the segment you want to turn off by setting the “stop” parameter of that segment to 0 when using the JSON API and posting a new state.
To turn it back on, you only need to re-add the segment by posting a new state with the old “stop” value of that segment.
I implemented that using a Node-Red Flow that you can copy paste from here:

[{"id":"2ef0c868.ebb428","type":"http in","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"Segment Set On/Off","url":"/wled-segments/power/:seg_id/:state","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":190,"y":580,"wires":[["5bfac212.f6bd0c","8d25993e.863f98"]]},{"id":"5bfac212.f6bd0c","type":"function","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"buildOnOffJson","func":"seg_id = msg.req.params.seg_id\nstate = msg.req.params.state\n\nconst DEFAULT_SEGMENTS =[\n        \n        {\n            \"id\": 0,\n            \"start\": 0,\n            \"stop\": 448\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": 1,\n            \"start\": 0,\n            \"stop\": 52\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": 2,\n            \"start\": 52,\n            \"stop\": 100\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": 3,\n            \"start\": 100,\n            \"stop\": 190\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": 5,\n            \"start\": 243,\n            \"stop\": 290\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": 4,\n            \"start\": 190,\n            \"stop\": 243\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": 6,\n            \"start\": 290,\n            \"stop\": 332\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": 7,\n            \"start\": 332,\n            \"stop\": 386\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": 8,\n            \"start\": 386,\n            \"stop\": 448\n        }\n    ]\n    \nseg = DEFAULT_SEGMENTS.filter((s) => s.id == seg_id)[0]\nif (state == \"on\"){\n    msg.payload = {\"on\": true, \"seg\":[seg]}\n}\nelse if (state == \"off\"){\n    seg.stop = 0\n    msg.payload = {\"on\": true, \"seg\":[seg]}\n}\nelse{\n    msg.payload = {}\n}\n    \n    \n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":420,"y":580,"wires":[["201e58e7.9d47b8","c5285d78.f30b2"]]},{"id":"201e58e7.9d47b8","type":"http request","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"","method":"POST","ret":"obj","paytoqs":false,"url":"","tls":"","persist":false,"proxy":"","authType":"","x":650,"y":580,"wires":[["d56a875d.46d618"]]},{"id":"d56a875d.46d618","type":"http response","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"","statusCode":"","headers":{"content-type":"application/json"},"x":870,"y":580,"wires":[]},{"id":"c5285d78.f30b2","type":"debug","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","x":630,"y":640,"wires":[]},{"id":"8d25993e.863f98","type":"debug","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","x":430,"y":640,"wires":[]}]

Note: For this to work properly your “main segment”, usually the segment 0, should not be used as a light in HA. Set its color to black by default and never touch it again. For every part of your LED strip define a segment to control it with. Otherwise, when you turn off a segment by deleting it, this part of the strip will take the color of the main segment. Also, if you don’t do it this way, you’ll never be able to “turn of” the last segment, as you can’t delete the main segment.
Tipp: Aircookies WLED allows you to set presets. The preset 16 is the only one that can save the configuration of your segment setups. Use it and in your local WLED controll website go to “config/LED Perferences” and set “Apply preset ## at boot” to 16. Also make sure that this preset has segment 0 set to black and brightness to max.

The last three issues I solved by creating my own light template, sensors templates, rest commands and corresponding Node-Red flows… Probably a total overkill:
For every segment I created a sensor like this:

  - platform: rest
    name: led_ceiling_office_front
    resource: http://homeassistant:1880/endpoint/wled-segments/state/1
    value_template: '{{value_json["on"]}}'
      - transition
      - id
      - start
      - stop
      - len
      - grp
      - rgb_color
      - hs_color
      - level
      - temperature
    username: "<your node-red user>"
    password:  "<your node-red password>"
    # update every second
    scan_interval: 1

And the corresponding light template

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "LED Office Front"
          - sensor.led_ceiling_office_front
        value_template: "{{states('sensor.led_ceiling_office_front')}}"
        level_template: "{{state_attr('sensor.led_ceiling_office_front', 'level')| int}}"
        temperature_template: "{{state_attr('sensor.led_ceiling_office_front', 'temperature')| int}}"
        color_template: >
          {% set hsl_col = state_attr('sensor.led_ceiling_office_front', 'hs_color') %}
          ({{hsl_col[0]| int}}, {{hsl_col[1]| int}})
          service: rest_command.wled_segment_power
            id: 1
            value: "on"
          service: rest_command.wled_segment_power
            id: 1
            value: "off"
          service: rest_command.wled_segment_color
            id: 1
            hs_color: "{{state_attr('sensor.led_ceiling_office_front', 'hs_color')}}"
            level: "{{brightness}}"
          service: rest_command.wled_segment_color
            id: 1
            hs_color: "{{[h,s]}}"
            level: "{{state_attr('sensor.led_ceiling_office_front', 'level')}}"
          service: rest_command.wled_segment_color
            id: 1
            temperature: "{{color_temp}}"
            level: "{{state_attr('sensor.led_ceiling_office_front', 'level')}}"

The rest commands I used looked like this:

    method: POST
    url: http://homeassistant:1880/endpoint/wled-segments/color/
    content_type:  'application/json; charset=utf-8'
    username: "<your node-red user>"
    password: "<your node-red password>"
    payload: >
      {"id":{{id}}, "hs_color":{{hs_color|default('"undefined"', true)}}, "temperature":{{temperature|default('"undefined"', true)}}, "level":{{level}}}
    method: GET
    url: "http://homeassistant:1880/endpoint/wled-segments/power/{{id}}/{{value}}"
    content_type:  'application/json; charset=utf-8'
    username: "<your node-red user>"
    password: "<your node-red password>"

And finally the node red flow to get the state:

[{"id":"9f70d7a7.fe4d48","type":"http in","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"Segment State","url":"/wled-segments/state/:seg_num","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":160,"y":80,"wires":[["1858d4ce.be16eb","7da15303.9a1d3c"]]},{"id":"635a25e8.7154fc","type":"http response","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"","statusCode":"","headers":{"content-type":"application/json"},"x":870,"y":80,"wires":[]},{"id":"7da15303.9a1d3c","type":"http request","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"","method":"GET","ret":"obj","paytoqs":false,"url":"","tls":"","persist":false,"proxy":"","authType":"","x":410,"y":80,"wires":[["b9e3b453.7f03d8","7000be03.07044"]]},{"id":"b9e3b453.7f03d8","type":"function","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"flattenJson","func":"wled_payload = msg.payload\nseg_id = msg.req.params.seg_num\nif (seg_id == null){\n    seg_id = 0\n}\n\n// Kelvin temperature bounds\nconst KELVIN_MIN = 2000;\nconst KELVIN_MAX = 7000;\n\n// Math shorthands\nconst { log, round, floor } = Math;\n\nfunction mired_to_kelvin(mired){\n    return Math.round(1000000/mired)\n}\n\nfunction kelvin_to_mired (kelvin){\n    return Math.round(1000000/kelvin)\n}\n\nfunction kelvinToRgb(kelvin) {\n    const temp = kelvin / 100;\n    let r, g, b;\n    if (temp < 66) {\n      r = 255\n      g = -155.25485562709179 - 0.44596950469579133 * (g = temp-2) + 104.49216199393888 * log(g)\n      b = temp < 20 ? 0 : -254.76935184120902 + 0.8274096064007395 * (b = temp-10) + 115.67994401066147 * log(b)\n    } else {\n      r = 351.97690566805693 + 0.114206453784165 * (r = temp-55) - 40.25366309332127 * log(r)\n      g = 325.4494125711974 + 0.07943456536662342 * (g = temp-50) - 28.0852963507957 * log(g)\n      b = 255\n    }\n    return {r: floor(r), g: floor(g), b: floor(b)};\n}\n\nfunction rgbToKelvin(rgb){\n    const r = rgb[0];\n    const g = rgb[1];\n    const b = rgb[2];\n    const eps = 0.4;\n    let minTemp = KELVIN_MIN;\n    let maxTemp = KELVIN_MAX;\n    let temp;\n    while (maxTemp - minTemp > eps) {\n      temp = (maxTemp + minTemp) * 0.5;\n      const rgb = kelvinToRgb(temp);\n      if ((rgb.b / rgb.r) >= (b / r)) {\n        maxTemp = temp;\n      } else {\n        minTemp = temp;\n      }\n    }\n    return temp;\n  }\nfunction rgbToHsv(rgb) {\n    const r = rgb[0] / 255;\n    const g = rgb[1] / 255;\n    const b = rgb[2] / 255;\n    const max = Math.max(r, g, b);\n    const min = Math.min(r, g, b);\n    const delta = max - min;\n    let hue = 0;\n    let value = max;\n    let saturation = max === 0 ? 0 : delta / max;\n    switch (max) {\n      case min: \n        hue = 0; // achromatic\n        break;\n      case r: \n        hue = (g - b) / delta + (g < b ? 6 : 0);\n        break;\n      case g: \n        hue = (b - r) / delta + 2;\n        break;\n      case b:\n        hue = (r - g) / delta + 4;\n        break;\n    }\n    return {\n      h: hue * 60,\n      s: saturation * 100,\n      v: value * 100\n    }\n  }\n\n\nmsg.payload = {\"on\": wled_payload.on}\n\nif (msg.payload.on){\n   wled_seg = wled_payload.seg.filter((seg) => seg.id == seg_id)[0]\n   msg.wled_seg = wled_seg\n    if (wled_seg != undefined){\n        hsv = rgbToHsv(wled_seg.col[0])\n        msg.payload = {\n            \"on\": true,\n            \"transition\": wled_payload.transition,\n            \"id\": wled_seg.id,\n            \"start\": wled_seg.start,\n            \"stop\": wled_seg.stop,\n            \"len\": wled_seg.len,\n            \"grp\": wled_seg.grp,\n            \"rgb_color\": wled_seg.col[0],\n            \"hs_color\": [hsv.h, hsv.s]\n        }\n        \n        msg.payload.temperature = kelvin_to_mired(rgbToKelvin(wled_seg.col[0]))\n        msg.payload.level = hsv.v / 100 * 255\n        msg.payload.level = Math.round(msg.payload.level)\n        msg.payload.temperature = Math.round(msg.payload.temperature)\n        \n    }\n    else{\n        msg.payload = {\"on\": false}\n    }\n}\n\n\n\nmsg.seg_id = seg_id\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":630,"y":80,"wires":[["27ca915e.bfe99e","635a25e8.7154fc"]]}]

This flow just calls the WLED json/state API, flattens the payload to be able to extract it nicely using the sensor template and most importantly does some conversions and calculations on the rgb values that I stole from this nice gentleman.
From the RGB I calculate the HSV and color temperture and used the “value” value as the brightness of an individual segment.

And here the flow to change the color:

[{"id":"cda494a8.765378","type":"http in","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"Segment Set Color","url":"/wled-segments/color/","method":"post","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":170,"y":360,"wires":[["d2ced552.d29718","a8fe5976.8e3828"]]},{"id":"a8fe5976.8e3828","type":"function","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"buildColorJson","func":"ha_payload = msg.payload\n\n// Kelvin temperature bounds\nconst KELVIN_MIN = 1000;\nconst KELVIN_MAX = 40000;\n\n// Math shorthands\nconst { log, round, floor } = Math;\n\nfunction mired_to_kelvin(mired){\n    return Math.round(1000000/mired)\n}\n\nfunction adjust_brightness (rgb, level){\n    relative_level = level/255\n    return{r: floor(rgb.r* relative_level), g: floor(rgb.g* relative_level), b: floor(rgb.b* relative_level)}\n}\n\nfunction kelvinToRgb(kelvin) {\n    const temp = kelvin / 100;\n    let r, g, b;\n    if (temp < 66) {\n      r = 255\n      g = -155.25485562709179 - 0.44596950469579133 * (g = temp-2) + 104.49216199393888 * log(g)\n      b = temp < 20 ? 0 : -254.76935184120902 + 0.8274096064007395 * (b = temp-10) + 115.67994401066147 * log(b)\n    } else {\n      r = 351.97690566805693 + 0.114206453784165 * (r = temp-55) - 40.25366309332127 * log(r)\n      g = 325.4494125711974 + 0.07943456536662342 * (g = temp-50) - 28.0852963507957 * log(g)\n      b = 255\n    }\n    return {r: floor(r), g: floor(g), b: floor(b)};\n}\n\nfunction hsvToRgb(h, s, v) {\n    h = h / 60;\n    s = s / 100;\n    v = v / 100;\n    const i = floor(h);\n    const f = h - i;\n    const p = v * (1 - s);\n    const q = v * (1 - f * s);\n    const t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);\n    const mod = i % 6;\n    const r = [v, q, p, p, t, v][mod];\n    const g = [t, v, v, q, p, p][mod];\n    const b = [p, p, t, v, v, q][mod];\n    return {\n      r: r * 255, \n      g: g * 255, \n      b: b * 255\n    };\n  }\n\n\nif (ha_payload.id != undefined){\n    msg.payload = {\"on\": true, \"seg\":[{\"id\":ha_payload.id}]}\n    \n    if (ha_payload.hs_color == \"undefined\" \n    && ha_payload.temperature != \"undefined\"){\n       \n       rgb = kelvinToRgb(mired_to_kelvin(ha_payload.temperature))\n       rgb = adjust_brightness(rgb, ha_payload.level)\n    }\n    else{\n        h = ha_payload.hs_color[0]\n        s = ha_payload.hs_color[1]\n        v = ha_payload.level / 255 * 100\n        \n        //if (s == 0) //pure white\n        //    l = ha_payload.level / 255 * 100\n        //else\n        //    l = ha_payload.level / 255 * 50\n        rgb = hsvToRgb(h, s, v)\n    }\n    msg.payload.seg[0].col = [[rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b]]\n}\nelse{\n    msg.statusCode = 404\n    msg.payload = {\"error\": \"segment with id \" + seg_id + \" not found\"}\n}\n\n\nmsg.seg_id = ha_payload.id\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":420,"y":360,"wires":[["37dd60bc.d849f","30bec473.d92bcc"]]},{"id":"37dd60bc.d849f","type":"http request","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"","method":"POST","ret":"obj","paytoqs":false,"url":"","tls":"","persist":false,"proxy":"","authType":"","x":610,"y":360,"wires":[["4f7c738.a46af8c","4691a912.95aea8"]]},{"id":"4f7c738.a46af8c","type":"http response","z":"748593bf.043ebc","name":"","statusCode":"","headers":{"content-type":"application/json"},"x":810,"y":360,"wires":[]}]

This last flow provides the REST endpoint to change the color, either based on a color temperature or the hue and saturation. Brightness/Value/Level parameter is always expected.

Having all of this in place, enables you to create light entities for individual segments that are fully functional.
But it’s not perfect… Mostly because the lights are not as responsive as other lights that are added with the built-in integrations. You might be able to reduce this by setting the scan_interval of the sensors to 0.5 or something like that. But this will put more stress on your device (probably ESP32 or ESP8622) that is hosting the WLED server controlling your LEDs. Especially if you have lots of segments.
Also I noticed when grouping multiple segments together to be controlled by one light entity, they are not synchronised perfectly…

Alternative Solution:
Instead of building a node red flow and using sensors to get the state and set the color, you could also just go back to the REST Switch, built yourself a light template and base it on the entities created by the WLED HA integration. Using this as a replacement for the sensors. However, you will lose the ability to change the brightness of lights individually.

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Awesome work. Always kind of sad when you do all that and they change the API, but it looks like you’ll be able to use most of this for the new API if it does support brightness.

Be sure to update, or heck, create a new post about the next version and how you implement it. Seems like a great feature.

In fact…the wled integration should be modified to auto generate each segment into a light for us!

I’ve been looking for some real way to contribute to the community more than just random forum support :stuck_out_tongue:

Either way, thanks for the update!

1 Like

Aircookies WLED implementation for the ESP8266 and ESP32 was just updated and now supports controls for brightness as well as an on/off attribute on the segment level. So, no need for the workaround that deletes segments to turn them off.

You can discard the “segment 0” that spans across the full led strip and only use the segments you actually want to have.

This brings the following advantages:

  • Less hack/workarounds needed
  • Using the built-in brightness property instead of the “value” attribute of the HSV color schema results in a better quality: Especially for very low brightness. You can now dimm the leds to even darker colors now while stil getting the correct color
  • And my personal favorite: All the effects are now supported for individual segments (Eventhough I still haven’t added a control to HA for them. But it is possible now!)
  • Which ever segment you choose to be the main segment, now supports the “transition” feature of WLED.

However, there still some things some caveats:

  • The new feature is not part of any pre-packed version. You need to download the most recent version of the code from github and compile it yourself. See the documentation for “compile from source”
  • The HA WLED Integration doesn’t support this feature yet. The brightness and on/off switch still controls the master brightness and of/off. Therefore you still need to use most of the workaround that I suggested to control the LEDs via the NodeRed and WLED’s REST API
  • Only the main segment supports transitions
  • Playing around with the effects to excessively (switching between them a lot of times in short sucession) sometimes leads to a crash (and restart) of your ESP
  • Because the value attribute of HSV is not used anymore (only hue and saturation) to calculate the RGB value, you’ll noticed that after selecting a color on the color wheel it readjusts to the nearest color that represents the HSV color with V set to 1.

WLED updated to version 0.10.0 and “Brightness and power can now be set per segment”
Does anyone know about the possibility of adding this feature to HA?

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I came here looking for the same answer.
Would love the ability to control each segment’s On/Off state.

I too wanna control individual segments in Ha.
Is it possible yet? (native?)

I’ve just created a request to Frenck to add support of latest features of WLED in python-wled module. You could support the request - https://github.com/frenck/python-wled/issues/79

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