WLED lights for your Bambu Labs 3d printer

Make sure you can fully control your wled strip from home assistant before you try the blueprint

Not currently but it might be able to be added. I’d have to take a look

i can control, but stull when print starts it just stay white all the time

Sorted, your blueprint created the condition attributes with space between the words,
solution to modify and replace spaces to “_” .

Thanks for your great work anyway :+1:

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I can not get this to work. Can anyone help? The light will turn on and off with my printers light but thats anout all the automation im getting out of it.

Can anyone help?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me either

Unfortunately same her, it just works for ON/OFF, not taking into account the Lidar operation.

So I seem to have this running w/out issue on one printer. I would like to use a WLED controller I have laying around (Athom) that has two outputs (V/G/D 1 & 2) and I have them set up as segments within WLED

Is there anyway to use this blueprint to have “Printer 1” control SEGMENT 0 and “Printer 2” control SEGMENT 1 on the controller? If not I’ll spin up two esp32s and do it that way - but if I can do it off the one controller it would be great.

The blueprint seems to expect a Device, not entity for the WLED controller so not sure how to work around that

My segments are set up as in the screenshot (Columbia and Magenta are my X1Cs – Rocky Horror for the win!)

My WLED integration in HA is set up :

Hi, thanks for sharing this. Do you have a list of parts you used to implement this?

Anyone able to get this working or is this dead/unusable? Confirmed I can control my WLED in HA on its own but not seeing this causing any color change on the lights when printer is operating.

Thanks for sharing this! Any chance you can add a brightness setting? I’ve found at 100% my camera ends up super washed out by the LEDs.

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That is exactly the only thing i missed inside that integration :smiley:

Same here. The only thing that seems to work is the WLED strip turns on/off with the chamber light control. Otherwise I get no lighting changes when printing, nor does it shut off when lidarr is active.

EDIT - looks like the recommended WLED blueprint to use is this one:

I made an update of the original blueprint because it wasn’t working anymore on my P1S.
Here is the blueprint page https://github.com/PaulBiod/HA-bambulab-wled

To import the blueprint : https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/blueprint_import/?blueprint_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FPaulBiod%2FHA-bambulab-wled%2Fblob%2Fmain%2FHA-bambulab-wled.yaml

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Hi, is it possible to control the white LED on a SK6812 Stripe?

This Blueprint activates only the RGB LEDs.

Since your blueprint seems the most current and updated, I have a question.
I am at a loss as to what to fill in on the blueprint.
Lets say I want it to turn on the light when it starts printing.
I have these choices

Print Status of your Bambu Lab printer
Current Stage of your Bambu Lab Printer
Printer state On/Off of your Bambu Lab Printer
WLED Light devices

So based on the four choices would this be correct

Print Status of your Bambu Lab printer <sensor.p1p_black_print_status>
Current Stage of your Bambu Lab Printer <sensor.p1p_black_current_stage...>
Printer state On/Off of your Bambu Lab Printer
WLED Light devices <light.wled_p1p_black>

I am unsure what to enter on Current stage Printer state On/Off.

Any samples would be most appreciated
Thank you


Print Status of your Bambu Lab printer :
sensor.p1s_01p00a3b2500947_etat_de_l_impression (in english, it 'd be print state). Values use to be : printing/offline/online/etc…

Current Stage of your Bambu Lab Printer:
sensor.p1s_01p00a3b2500947_etape_actuelle ( in english, it’d be printing stage)

Printer state On/Off of your Bambu Lab Printer:
P1S_01P00A3B2500947 État (in english : state)

WLED Light devices:

Merci Beaucoup,
Figured out three of the four, but one question left is in regards to the binary sensors.
These are the binary sensors I have for this printer


I do not have one that has is a state entity. Am I missing something in regards to this. If so how or where do I activate that sensor.

you need both the bambu HACs integration and the wled integration installed…do you have both?