Build a one or two row (two segment) matrix follow instructions on the WLED PAGE
There are different ways to set up 1D and 2D segments for matrix depending on what version.
Gets kind of confusing, you just have to keep playing to get things correct.
I still don’t understand completely how i got to work LOL
@DrZzs and @3ATIVE did a videos last year and there is some new ones out there.
WLED v 0.14.0-b3
For matrix to work it has to be in “scrolling text” effect.
My 2 segment matrix preset to get correct effect, color and brightness.
Tip when you change value you need to click the check box for each segment. to go into effect.
In Settings
LED Preferences
2D configuration
Set your time zone in Time and macros
Leaving each segment name blank will display the time on matrix by defalt in the scrolling text effect. Anything you type in the name field will display on matrix. 32 character max or it will fault out.
So with automation you can display your own custom text or even give text and values of sensors. Using automation and a custom rest command.
Home assistant information
Rest command for each WLED matrix you wish to use in automation
Put this in your HA configuration yaml
Make IP of your wled device static in your wifi network.
Replace with the IP address of your wled device.
method: POST
payload: '{"seg": [{"n": "{{text}}"}]}'
method: POST
payload: '{"seg": [{"n": "{{text}}"}]}'
Automation for 2 WS2812B ECO RGB Alloy Wires 5050SMD Individual Addressable 8X32 256 panels connected together and stacked.
Video of matrix.
smoker temps
video time, date, temp.
solar info
Solar matrix
I have a ” Matrix living room solar 1” automation running by default so I made a automation “smoker on or off toggle smoker matrix” to shut that off when my BBQ temp is over 120 deg and turn on the “smoker matrix” automation and then turn off and turn back on the ” Matrix living room solar 1” when below 120 deg.
Smoker BBQ Temperature and Meat temp
using data from Inkbird IBT-4XS Bluetooth Wireless Grill BBQ Thermometer
alias: smoker matrix
description: >-
Displays Grill temp and meat temp, updated every one minute or when meat temp
- platform: state
- sensor.ibbq_805a_temperature_probe_2
- platform: state
- sensor.time
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
from: null
condition: []
- service: rest_command.wledseg1_text
text1: M {{ states("sensor.ibbq_805a_temperature_probe_2") | round(0) }}F
text2: G {{ states("sensor.ibbq_805a_temperature_probe_1") | round(0) }}F
alias: meat temp
enabled: true
mode: single
The Data text1 is the top segment 0
The Data text2 is the bottom segment 1
Shut off solar matrix automation
alias: "smoker on or off toggle smoker matrix "
description: >-
if smoker is running and over 120 turn on smoker matrix automation
if smoker is below 120 turn off smoker matrix automation
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.ibbq_805a_temperature_probe_1
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
above: 120
id: "on"
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.ibbq_805a_temperature_probe_1
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
below: 120
id: "off"
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- "on"
- service: automation.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: automation.smoker
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- "off"
- service: automation.turn_off
stop_actions: true
entity_id: automation.smoker
mode: single
Sometimes I have a cocktail sitting on the couch waiting for meat to be done. I forget to even look at the matrix so have a alexa and google notification when meat is almost done.
In my solar, time and weather matrix I have a “ Test if 1 condition does not match
“ to not run the automation if the Smoker matrix automation is running.
You can add multiple if you have other automations like notification like washer is done or it’s raining cats and dogs.
Solar, time, date and weather matrix
alias: Matrix living room solar 1
description: >-
Displays Living room and outdoor temp along with time on main Seg 0
Seg1 used for messages and notifications or what ever is the flavor of the
day. Like power and solar
- platform: state
- sensor.time
- condition: not
- condition: state
entity_id: automation.smoker
state: "on"
- service: rest_command.wledseg1_text
text1: "{{states['sensor.normalhour_time'].state}}"
text2: >-
Pwr use {{ states("sensor.power_use_now") | round(1) }}/{{
state_attr('sensor.power_used_today_solar_and_pge','last_valid_state') |
round(1) }}T, Slr {{ states("sensor.power_meter_pvs6m22492971p_power") |
round(1) }}/{{ states("sensor.daily_solar_no_delta") | round(1) }}T
alias: Time, weather and power1
enabled: true
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 31
milliseconds: 0
- service: rest_command.wledseg1_text
text1: >-
{{ states("sensor.station_temperature") | round(0) }}F/{{
states("sensor.livingroom_temperature_am2301_temperature") | round(0)
}}F, {{ states("sensor.date_and_time") }}
text2: >-
Pwr use {{ states("sensor.power_use_now") | round(1) }}/{{
state_attr('sensor.power_used_today_solar_and_pge','last_valid_state') |
round(1) }}T, Slr {{ states("sensor.power_meter_pvs6m22492971p_power") |
round(1) }}/{{ states("sensor.daily_solar_no_delta") | round(1) }}T
alias: Time, weather and power1
enabled: true
mode: single
Time and weather one panel.
Here is a one matrix panel segment automation for my bedroom to show time and weather
alias: Matrix time bedroom
description: just the time updates when time changes every one minute
- platform: state
- sensor.time
condition: []
- service: rest_command.wled_text
text: "{{states['sensor.normalhour_time'].state}}"
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 41
milliseconds: 0
- service: rest_command.wled_text
text: >-
{{ states("sensor.station_temperature") | round(0) }}F/{{
states("sensor.temperature1") | round(0) }}F, {{
states("sensor.date_and_time") }}
mode: single
I know I might be forgetting some set up for WLED but there are plenty of youtube videos now showing how. There was none when I first did this.
Example video of time, date, temperature and solar info
BBQ grill and meat temps