WLED - Missing Segment

Hey guys,

I have the wled integration up and running. One of my WLED controllers has three segments, but only two are setup by the integration.

According to the wled integration documentation there should be a switch for each segment,

If WLED has 2 or more segments, each segment gets its own light entity in Home Assistant. Additionally, a master light entity is created. This master entity controls the strip power and overall brightness applied to all segments.

but I appear to be missing segment 0.

Here is the wled page:

This is from the integration page:

How can I import segment 0? Is there something I am missing?

Thanks for any pointers.

Never mind… segment 0 takes on the name of the wled device.

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FWIW, I find this behavior to be very confusing.


Same here.


Also very confusing. This must be a bug. There’s no way to tunr off segment one: it kills everything