WLED, Please help me understand the power supply needed

Hi guys,

I’m sorry I know it’s not exactly about home assistant but I really don’t know where to ask this, and I’m really confuse.

I bought some smart light to put under my kitchen island, I tested them with a athom on wled and a 12V/8A power supply, it work great and that’s why I’m confused …

So the led are suppose to draw 30W/m so 5m => 150W, Since there are 12V I thought I need 150/12=12.5A, And bought a 16.5A power supply to be safe (and probably add a couple more meter of light)

So I don’t understand why it’s working good, at first I planned to supply power at both end of the strip but I’m not even sure I actually need that anymore ?

What did I miss ? is it a waste to but a bigger power supply ?

thank you

PS :

the strip is from btf lighting : WS2805 Pixels LED Strip Light RGBCCT 5IN1 60LEDs/M Addressable Dual Signal 3000K-6500K (I know it’s not waterproof but it’s behind a diffuser and shouldn’t have water ingress)

the controller is : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005004929457839.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.order_detail_item.3.1ceb7d560ysUsv&gatewayAdapt=glo2fra (never try the remote and don’t know how to make the mic work but otherwise it seem good)

I think that RGB is 30W/m if R=100% G=100% B=100%, but if it is only red then R=100% G=0% B=0% and the power of the LED strip is then 30W/3= 10W/m
And I don’t take into account the dimming of the LED strip.

Thank you for this lead, that could be a good explanation as it’s a rgbcct so even white as a single led not the 3, and so could draw less current.
Also I found a great link that allow to check that indeed it should not be dramatic in anycase : Pixel Light Power Calculator