WLed Progress Bar sync with timer from Google Nest Speaker

I want my LED strip to light up (with a “percentage” effect) when a timer is set on a Google Nest speaker and for the LED strip to sync with the set timer.
I found this on Github
I’ve been working on it but can’t get the most important part to work.
I need to create a template that converts the Google Assistant timers time into a percentage.
I’m completely lost after trying for hours.

Does anyone have a solution for this? :raised_hands:

The template (from Github) specifies this:

{{ (((as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.office_echo_dot_next_timer', 'prior_value')) | float - (as_timestamp(now()) | float) | float) / ((state_attr('sensor.office_echo_dot_next_timer', 'sorted_active') | from_json)[0][1].originalDurationInMillis/ 1000)| round(0))*100) | round(0) }}

Among a lot of other things, I tried:

{{ (((((as_datetime(state_attr('sensor.keuken_timers','timers')[0].fire_time))) | float - (as_timestamp(now()) | float) | float) / ((state_attr('sensor.keuken_timers','timers')[0].duration))| round(0))*100) | round(0) }}

These are the times i used with the outcome

{%- set fire= as_datetime(state_attr('sensor.keuken_timers','timers')[0].fire_time).time() %}
{%- set duration=(state_attr('sensor.keuken_timers','timers')[0].duration)%}
{{ fire }}
{{ duration }}

21:13:39 (not correct must be +01:00?)

Status-attributen entity

next_timer_status: set
  - timer_id: timer/ab65c73e-3c5f-4b14-8af9-9c2582ebb1d5
    fire_time: 1722716019
    local_time: "2024-08-03 22:13:39"
    local_time_iso: "2024-08-03T22:13:39+02:00"
    duration: "0:15:00"
    status: set
    label: null
device_class: timestamp
friendly_name: Keuken timers

Ah, ok. That documentation is vital information you left out.

The duration you show cannot be rounded, because it seems to be a string representing a duration. It could also be a timedelta. Does this return true?

{{ state_attr('sensor.keuken_timers','timers')[0].duration is string }}

Because I’m on my phone it’s hard to write it all.
But this should give you the calculations, you just need to replace the fixed values with your sensors.

{% set left = as_timestamp("2024-08-03 23:13:39") - now().timestamp() %}
{% set duration = "0:15:00".split(":") %}
{% set duration_seconds = duration[0]|int*3600 + duration[1]|int*60 + duration[2]|int %}
{{ (1-(left/duration_seconds)) *100  }}

Yes it returns True

Nice, this works when I test it. :star_struck:
Only when I put this in my config file, the sensor(s) are not showing.

- platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Progress Bar Assistent Woonkamer'
        state: "{{ now().strftime('%-H:%M') }}"
     platform: time_pattern
     seconds: "/1"
        friendly_name: 'Assistent Woonkamer time precentage'
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        state: | 
             {% set left = as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.woonkamer_timers','timers')[0].local_time) - now().timestamp() %}
             {% set duration = (state_attr('sensor.woonkamer_timers','timers')[0].duration).split(":") %}
             {% set duration_seconds = duration[0]|int*3600 + duration[1]|int*60 + duration[2]|int %}
             {{ (1-(left/duration_seconds)) *100  }}

this is wat the github info gives:

- sensor:
  - name: Time AM PM
    unique_id: time_am_pm
    state: "{{ now().strftime('%-I:%M %p') }}"
- trigger:
   - platform: time_pattern
     seconds: "/1"
   - name: "Office Echo Dot Timer Percentage"
     unique_id: office_echo_dot_timer_percentage
     unit_of_measurement: '%'
     state: "{{ (((as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.office_echo_dot_next_timer', 'prior_value')) | float - (as_timestamp(now()) | float) | float) / ((state_attr('sensor.office_echo_dot_next_timer', 'sorted_active') | from_json)[0][1].originalDurationInMillis/ 1000)| round(0))*100) | round(0) }}"

I don’t think you need to make this a time triggered sensor.
Sadly the now timestamp only updates every minute if I recall correctly.
So you can use the GUI and make a normal sensor as I see it.

Perhaps there is a way to make it update more often but I don’t know of any ways to do that.

This triggers 31.5 million times a year. How many of those lead to action? I.m.h.o. you should avoid this at all cost.

Thats :exploding_head: to many times.

If the value actually changes each time, you might also want to exclude it from the recorder. :wink:

It only changes when there is a timer.
Most of the time it will probably be unavailable

If i set a timer for two minutes, my leds only update 2 times😪

alias: Progress Bar Timers Woonkamer
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.timer_assistent_woonkamer
  - condition: not
      - condition: state
        entity_id: sensor.timer_assistent_woonkamer
        state: unavailable
  - service: number.set_value
      value: "{{ states('sensor.timer_assistent_woonkamer') }}"
      entity_id: number.wled_woonkamer_intensiteit
mode: single

The only thing I can think of is to create a similar time pattern triggered sensor as you tried before but use sensor.time since this gives you HH:MM and then you add the seconds to it and create the calculation.

So let’s say you want to trigger every 10 seconds.

- trigger:
   - platform: time_pattern
     seconds: "0"
     id: 0
   - platform: time_pattern
     seconds: "10"
     id: 10
   - platform: time_pattern
     seconds: "20"
     id: 20

And so on.
Then you use {{ today_at('sensor.time') + timedelta(seconds=trigger.id) }}

And this is instead of the now() part of the sensor template.

That’s something I don’t fully understand.

The problem is not in the automation, but in fact that the time is not updating often enough to trigger the percentage of the LED bar?? Correct?

  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 0
        id: "0"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 10
        id: "10"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 20
        id: "20"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 30
        id: "30"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 40
        id: "40"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 50
        id: "50"
      - name: "assistent_woonkamer_timer_percentage"
        friendly_name: 'Assistent Woonkamer time precentage'
        unique_id: "assistent_woonkamer_timer_percentage"
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        state: >-
             {% set left = as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.woonkamer_timers','timers')[0].local_time) - (today_at(states('sensor.time')) + timedelta(seconds=trigger.id)).timestamp() %}
             {% set duration = (state_attr('sensor.woonkamer_timers','timers')[0].duration).split(":") %}
             {% set duration_seconds = duration[0]|int*3600 + duration[1]|int*60 + duration[2]|int %}
             {{ (1-(left/duration_seconds)) *100  }}

Like this perhaps…
So this triggers every ten seconds and it uses the sensor.time (if you have this) else you could use (now().time()|string)[0:5] or any other method to get HH:MM time and then we add the seconds to get a more accurate percentage.

I just realized maybe you can use now().timestamp().
All you need is the time triggers and now should update.
Give it a try.
I suggest you keep a copy of your current sensor so that you have something to fall back on

Ok tnx, i will try it shortly. :crossed_fingers:

Sorry, I give up. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to make it work, but no luck.
I can’t see the forest for the trees.

Where have you gone stuck?
Is the sensor reporting a correct percentage?

I realized there was a few errors in that code…
But I managed to get it working now.

I used some dummy values in the yaml, now I replaced those with your entities and hopefully I did it correctly.


  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 0
        id: "0"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 10
        id: "10"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 20
        id: "20"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 30
        id: "30"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 40
        id: "40"
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: 50
        id: "50"
      - name: "assistent_woonkamer_timer_percentage"
        unique_id: "assistent_woonkamer_timer_percentage"
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        state: >-
             {% set left = as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.woonkamer_timers','timers')[0].local_time) - (today_at(states('sensor.time')) + timedelta(seconds= trigger.id | int)).timestamp() %}
             {% set duration = (state_attr('sensor.woonkamer_timers','timers')[0].duration).split(":") %}
             {% set duration_seconds = duration[0]|int*3600 + duration[1]|int*60 + duration[2]|int %}
             {% if (1-(left/duration_seconds)) *100 < 101 %}
               {{ (1-(left/duration_seconds)) *100  }}
             {% else %}
             {% endif %}
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