WLED unavaiable - 0.108.3 HA issue

Updated HA from 107.6 to 108.3 around 11:10~

WLED integration started to act strange, Unavailable -> ON -> Unavailable -> ON.
Even when when I turned OFF it became unavailable and from OFF it turns back ON.


Reverted back to 107.3 and it is working fine without error. Log says nothing usefull, like there is no problem at all.

Device is Weemos D1 with WLED 0.9.1
Anyone else has the same issue? WLEDs connection is stable I can control it from UI and works good from HA 107

Someone in the 0.108 release thread said they had to remove the WLED integration. Update then re-add WLED to get it to function without strobing like that.

Tried to uninstall and reinstall after updated to 108.

Now as I’m using 107 removed WLED and updated to 108 and installed WLED.
19 seconds and so far so good :smiley: Thanks!