Wolflink write support

could someone please add the support for writing back to the wolf smartset portal.
The integration works perfectly in ioBroker (with this adapter https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.wolf-smartset) but is not working in Home Assistant (Wolf SmartSet Service - Home Assistant it’s unfortunately read only)

It would be great to have the write support for my ism7i module so I can turn on hot water for one hour during the summer times when usually the heating function is set to off and I only need hot water for taking a shower.
Thanks that would be really great.


I am pushing this point ^^. Reading is working fine, but I have similar ideas like handy80.
An alterntative way not using Wolf SmartSet-Portal would be OK, too. The internet access seems to be down for two days now.

Best Regards, Alois


Not exactly what you are asking for, but I am also unsatisfied by the portal integration.
So I am trying this setup via mqtt without internet or portal necessary:

Would also be nice to be able to use a direct connection without the cloud. It is possible in the mobile app.


I would love a writing support!!

This FR from @ChristophKrause is also going into that direction.

There where also these two FR’s from Github

Especially the Experlevel (Fachmann-Ebene) is “only” locked with a Key that is normally set to “1111”. Maybe this is a way to go. I don’t have any programming skills, so can’t really help working it out, but that would be awesome.

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