Wood Heater RS485 Antenna to HA

So my heater has this Antenna connected to it, for several reasons i dont want to use they intended wireless thermostat, what i would like to do it have it connected to HA and have temp sensors around the house connected to HA and then send the temp back to the heater.

Is this possible?
Any recommentations on how i should do this?

what is the type of heater??

Atmos something wood boiler with water controlled by Thermomatic EC home.

This one http://www.termoventiler.com/en/products/thermomatic/thermomatic-ec-home

With the wireless room sensor

if i look at the website you posted, it mentions:

-Control the circulation pump and additional heating through a relay box.

Which should be fairly easy to control with an esphome relay box

Once HA took over the control, you can program ot in abyway you want :thinking:

So your suggesting i connect the esphome relay instead of the relay currently in place?

yes, exactly :stuck_out_tongue:

You original thinking was to send a temperature from HA to the unit so it could it would operate its relays.

Then why make it complex by sending a temperature to the theromatic box, instead of replacing the relays which is a lot easier ?

If I look at the provided data, it only has 2 relays ??

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Could you guide me through it you think?

Already did update my previous reply :stuck_out_tongue:

True enough, but how would i connect the new relay to the control panel and so on?

Or does ur solution skip the control panel all together?

Here is the complete manual if you wanna skim through it : http://www.termoventiler.com/application/files/3314/7325/3317/ECHOME_Manual_v3.0_EN.pdf

But as i need it to control the valve opening for the hot water, i dont think ur solution is going to work?

yup…why do you need yet another control panel?

Figured out my controller is similar to another one people have connected to HA via a nodemcu, ordered one and will try to follow the other guys i found, will update

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