I was looking into the source code of the Workday Binary Sensor.
I was looking to see how difficult it would be to add the possibility to specify additional dates to include/exclude ie. I want my birthday to be a non working day, but the first of January to be a workday etc.
This shouldn’t be that difficult to add, but there is one thing I don’t understand about the current code. To me it looks like, the dates from the holiday library is only read when the sensor is set up, and that only dates in the current year is added to the excludes list. Is that true, or how is the list updated then the year changes?
What would be a proper naming and syntax of parameters for the dates. I’m thinking something like
workdays_dates: "04-12 2017-03-14"
(adding a yearly reoccurrence and a specific date)
excludes_dates: "01-01 2019-01-15"
Or maybe just add the dates to the current workdays and excludes parameter lists.