This morning, I found that the workday sensor believed our office was on holiday, because the second Monday of October is a holiday in our region. However, unless you’re a US bank, your office is probably still in operation today. I also found that there wasn’t an easy way to exempt a holiday from the workday sensor. So I had to build a template in the condition that unlocks/locks our office door. Hopefully this will help someone else who runs across this problem. The python holiday code is really nice otherwise.
condition: and
- condition: state
entity_id: switch.front_door_maglock_power
state: 'on'
- condition: or
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.workday
state: 'on'
# Indigenous People's Day, still a workday
- condition: template
"{{ now().weekday() == 0 and now().day > 7 and now().day < 15 and now().month == 10 }}"
One of my biggest complaints about the workday sensor is the fact that you have to restart HA every time you add/remove a holiday. Plus, as you said, excluding holidays is a pain.
I have this type of thing coded into NodeRed as well using the Calendarifc API ( that I can single out holidays for and then set a global var to true/false based upon that.
Well done and I think I’ll incorporate your logic into a couple of my automations.
I’ve since moved this to its own binary_sensor to make things simpler in multiple automations.
- platform: workday
name: python_workday
country: 'US'
province: 'UT'
- platform: template
value_template: >-
{{ is_state('binary_sensor.python_workday', 'on')
or (now().weekday() == 0 and now().day > 14 and now().day < 22 and now().month == 1)
or (now().weekday() == 0 and now().day > 7 and now().day < 15 and now().month == 10)
or (now().weekday() < 5 and now().day == 11 and now().month == 11) }}
# Holidays that are not office closings
# MLK day
# Indigenous Peoples' Day
# Veterans Day
This continues to evolve. Needed something for the day after Thanksgiving, which is not a holiday in my state, but is also not a workday for my office.
- platform: workday
name: python_workday
country: 'US'
province: 'UT'
- platform: template
value_template: >-
{# MLK day, office open #}
{% if now().weekday() == 0 and now().day > 14 and now().day < 22 and now().month == 1 %}
{{ true }}
{# Indigenous Peoples' Day, office open #}
{% elif now().weekday() == 0 and now().day > 7 and now().day < 15 and now().month == 10 %}
{{ true }}
{# Veterans' Day, office open #}
{% elif now().weekday() < 5 and now().day == 11 and now().month == 11 %}
{{ true }}
{# Day after Thanksgiving, office closed #}
{% elif now().weekday() == 4 and now().day > 22 and now().day < 30 and now().month == 11 %}
{{ false }}
{# Python holiday via workday sensor #}
{% elif is_state('binary_sensor.python_workday', 'on') %}
{{ true }}
{%- endif %}
It’s even cleaner with the add_holidays attribute of the workday binary_sensor; see and the standard holidays are already in there, so they don’t need yearly updating for new year and christmas like yours.
The holidays that are added with add_holidays are not necessarily days that our office is OPEN / CLOSED - which is the point of my sensor - to know specifically if it’s a workday or not. Would be bad for my office to not have the coffee maker turn on for Columbus Day or one of the non-out-of-the-office holidays…
Yes; I think your solution is an elegant addition to it. I was just pointing out to Markus that the add_holidays parameter is a more elegant way to add non-standard holidays, and would also handle some of the hardcoded holidays he added for 2020 on a yearly basis, needing less maintenance.
I’m not sure I’m following Markus99’s counterpoint - seems like remove_holidays would handle the days where he wants the office to be open?