WorkDay sensor not updating

I have 3 work day sensors configured that operate certain lights based on if the day is a week day or weekend day or a day before a work day.

- platform: workday
  name: Workday
  country: US

- platform: workday
  name: Day Before Workday
  country: US
  workdays: [sun, mon, tue, wed, thu]
  excludes: []

- platform: workday
  name: Holiday
  country: US
  workdays: [sat, sun, holiday]
  excludes: []


Today is Monday and as you can see from the image the sensor states are not correct.

But isn’t today a holiday in the US? Presidents day?

On Monday, my workday sensor was ‘false’ despite it being a workday. My sensor is configured like this;

- platform: workday
  country: England
  friendly_name: "Work Day"

I’m guessing there was a bit of a glitch yesterday, the workday sensor has some pretty complex stuff going on in there. As far as I know there weren’t any public holidays in England that day.

I guess it was. This has happened before, not sure if when it happened it was some other holiday. I’ll keep an eye on this.

# рабочая неделя
   - binary_sensor:
       - platform: workday
         country: RU

не работает…
“Invalid config for [sensor]: required key not provided @ data[‘platform’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 34). Please check the docs at

help …