Working on multiple emulated_hue instances

Again my Google Home lost the emulated_hue devices … uff

it shows correctly all devices

touch wood. i never faced this problem with alexa. is this problem specific to google home only? if yes, i might reconsider switching to google home.

No I received seldom these kind of errors both in Alexa and GH.

Reasons are:

  • I install something in port 80 of the pi3 that has HASS (conflicting so with emulated_hue for GH at port 80)
  • updates from Alexa and/or from Google Home
  • my laziness and newbeness on all of the above and more.

Wanted to switch to HASS.IO but this emulated_hue component keeps me from switching, unfortunately dveloper is unresponsive, otherwise I would suggets this to replace the original component,

from my understanding the Google Assistant update is to Android TV, so it should be now possible to get for other boxes too.
Anyway the shield tv is way way way way superior to the mi box or any other box: simply beautifully engineered device. Highly recommended even for that price

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I’ve only ever used it with, what’s your problem?

Oh, yes? I did not know it would work as custom componetnt. Good to know

Nothing I do is making it work again on the Google Home.

Only Hue devices show, not emulated_hue devices.

What to do?

I understand what it was, the GH got a different IP connecting to the extender, damn.

Anyway now the emulated_hue are recognised, but now the command does not execute.


Custom components work no differently in, stick them in the custom_components folder job done.

you may like this too

Right price, wrong hardware :slight_smile:


A Zigbee plus Zwave stick at 15$

LOL, Nvidia Shield, otherwise perfect :+1:

Extremely happy with my shield. One of the best buy of the last 2 years +

Can it be used with HA or just ST?

I think there is a mqtt link to smartthings

The other cool think is that you don’t need the wake up world, just press the button and say the command, is cool

Not sure if this is specifically posted elsewhere in this thread, but for those using the AIO installer, the code to stop the port 80 error for using Google Home is this;

sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/bin/python3

It’s on the component page.

@shenning00 I’m wondering is it possible to specify the type of devices exposed by emulated hue? Right now every devices are exposed as lights. See screenshot below.

Is it possible to specify the type in customize section for each entities? For example; fan, TV, Aircon, etc…