Working with external API and JSON Mesagges

Hi all.
Iam trying to configure some request like this one:

- http_request.send
          method: PATCH
          url: "./jsonapi/node/sensor/6089c645---------8fef-593f8169d4e4"
            Content-Type: "application/vnd.api+json"
            Accept: "application/vnd.api+json"
            Authorization: "Basic Ym90LW1vbml0b3I6aGdqa1RZ-----------------KSh0Ji8lJMORw7E="
            Content-Length: "196"
          body: !lambda |-
            std::string bodye="{ \"data\": { \"type\": \"node--sensor\", \"id\": \"6089c645-4e7e-4c81-8fef-593f8169d4e4\", \"attributes\": { \"field_n_s_status_raw\": {0} } } }";
            return String.Format(bodye,id(zphs01b_pm1).state);
          verify_ssl: false

of course it does not work, but i dont know how to solve.
Can anyone help me please?

Nobody know about it?