Hi all, my first post here.
I installed Hassio using armbian-config > Software > Softy > Hassio which installed Hassio in Docker containers. After exploring the options I decided to start from scratch (because I clicked on Gateway and I couldn’t remove that “sensor”) and I somewhere read that could be done by deleting all files in config folder. Then I typed:
sudo docker ps -a
to list the containers and there were the following containers running:
Then I typed:
sudo docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash
and bash opened in the config folder:
bash-5.0# pwd
Then I moved one directory back to / and tried to rename config directory to config_backup but there was an error:
bash-5.0# mv config config_backup
mv: can't rename 'config': Resource busy
I then went back to the config directory and deleted all the files using rm and that worked, after restarting the device (Orange Pi PC) everything was as when Hassio was just installed.
I couldn’t copy the config directory either:
bash-5.0# cp config config_backup
cp: omitting directory 'config'
Why it is not possible to rename or copy a directory inside Docker container but it is possible to delete the files, how directory structure inside Docker container could be changed and how some directory could be copied from the Docker containter to the outside file system?
I know that has to do something with how Docker works but I am not aware of the details.
What I would like to do is to add some new sensors to ESPHome (for example DS1621 temperature sensor) and I am sure for that to work I’ll have to make some modifications in the file system inside Docker containters. I did find a tutorial describing how to add a new sensor to ESPHome but I’d like to know how to do the same when Hassio runs in Docker containers.