World Air Quality add pm10

I don’t know how to programm it, but I checked that in API ( is possible to get pm10 also.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ curl -i ""
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 16:55:57 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 943
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Gen-Time: 98
X-Powered-By: rxstreamer-waqi/1.0

{"status":"ok","data":{"idx":1437,"aqi":134,"time":{"v":1484697600,"s":"2017-01-18 00:00:00","tz":"+08:00"},"city":{"nam
Shanghai Environment Monitoring Center(\u4e0a\u6d77\u5e02\u73af\u5883\u76d1\u6d4b\u4e2d\u5fc3)","url":"http:\/\/www.semc\/"},{"name":"China National Urban air quality real-time publishing platform (\u5168\u56fd\u57ce\u5e02\u7a7a\u6c1
Consulate Shanghai Air Quality Monitor","url":"http:\/\/\/airmonitor.html"},{"name":"Worl
d Air Quality Index Project","url":"http:\/\/\/"}],"iaqi":{"**pm25**":{"v":134},"**pm10**":{"v":37},"**o3**":{"v":17},"**no2**"

The value for pm10 is available as particle.

so, the pm2,5 is whitch attribute? Because I checked in my location and pm2,5 is showing as ‘particle’ and pm10 isn’t there in any of attributes…

PM2.5 and SO2 seems not to be available for all location.

Below my case, as you can see PM2,5 is taken as particles, pm10 is nowhere…

Looks like that we need to distinguish between PM10 and PM2.5.

PR to fix this.

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@fabaff thanks for fixing it :slight_smile:

Was merged.