Worx Landroid Package (Deprecated)

First thanks for an amazing project!

I am having trouble getting some entities to work. Like sensor.landroid_pitch also applies for yaw, wifi etc. However it seems that it is getting data as shown below.

All 3 below sensors are working.


What am I doing wrong ?

Best regards,

Which version of Home Assistant do you have?

It is Home Assistant 2021.3.3

There is a new sensor configuration format. Update please your Home Assistant

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Hi there
Just stumbled upon this one, and would really like to install it on my HA.
But… im running HA OS on a Raspberry, and have no idea on how to access the file system and manually install it. As i understand, its not supported in HACS?

Hassos has a Configurator (File editor) as Add-on

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Thanks a lot it works!


I try to configure the landroid_cloud but I have this error

2021-05-26 18:51:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of landroid_cloud is taking longer than 300 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer

Hi there, I thought that I have installed and edited everything as requested. But now, before the “final” restart I was checking the config and get the following error:

Invalid config for [landroid_cloud]: [platform] is an invalid option for [landroid_cloud]. Check: landroid_cloud->landroid_cloud->1->platform. (See ?, line ?).

Any idea?

In addition, I do not see the Landroid Cloud entities…

Check your email and password in the “Landroid Cloud” integration

Both, secrets.yaml and configuration.yaml are be fine because it is copy and paste from my password manager…

I changed the order in configuration.yaml.
The mail and password needs to be above the “packages: !include_dir_named packages”

These entries

  - email: [email protected]
    password: YourPassword

in configuration.yaml file are not needed.

They already exist in packages/landroid.yaml

I was thinking about buying a landroid m700 2.0

Since i am a noob regarding home assistant i have a few questions i hope someone can answer.

  1. If i buy it, do i need to buy something more for it to work with home assistant?

  2. I use home assistant with athom homey, would that be a problem?


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@1: No
@2: No idea, sorry.

Thank you for your reply :blush:

Overall, I was able to finally get Landroid data to work, but the card background and some icons next to the “home, start pause” icons are not showing.

I fell on this puzzle, maybe someone smarter can do it?

Move folder mower to folder www. Now it is in www/community

I try but:

Of course this folder already exist. You have to move folder mower from www/community to www.
Or change in lovelace all entries /local/mower/ to /local/community/mower/

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@Barmalej :blush:

Now works perfect :smiley: BIG thanks.