Hi, I would like to use portainer to update to the latest HA container version, but when I try to pull and redeploy, I get an error message from portainer:
Request failed with status code 400
So, what is the correct way to update this container?
Go in to Portainer, and in to the Registries area. Add a new registry, select custom. Name it GitHub, and use “ghcr.io” as the URL, then add the new registry.
Now you can use Portainer to (re-)create a container and select GitHub for the Image, and specify home-assistant/home-assistant:stable. It looks like you defined a volume for /config, so you might be able go in to the current container in Portainer and tell it to “Duplicate/Edit” and change up the image location and leave the rest the same. If not, you can just stop your current container, remove it (don’t delete the volume), and create it anew using the new image (if you need the full url, specify ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:stable).