Wring home energy usage data

Good day all,

I hope some of you can help me.

I’m deploying a Hass server for my father who lives on a ship. Because he can actually sail and be disconnected from the power grid he’s running a Victron system with a battery and solar panels.

I managed to correctly import all the relevant data into Hass for the Energy dashboard. So I got a grid import sensor, a battery charged and discharged sensor and a solar production sensor. All these sensors add up. So there’s no energy “missing” (as far as I can find) But when I’m looking at the usage graph of 1 day the home (schip) usage seems to be incorrect.

This is the graph of today. The ship has a baseload of around 300W of power, sometimes 250 if the fridge is done cooling. This would mean a minimum power usage of 0,25kWh every hour. during this day the grid connection have been unused for the whole day, which makes this case better to see.

But the data doen’t seem to be correct, especially during the day when the solar panels come online. Hass is is reporting almost no power usage, but instead only charge into the battery, and when the sun goed down the ship usage goes up again.

There are a few devices that generates this data. On the grid side I’m using 2 shelly’s in parallel. and both the energy sensors are added to the dashboard.

The battery is monitored by a BMV from Victron. This device provides 2 sensors that are relevant here. a “total battery charged” and “total battery discharged” sensor. Both of which are added to the energy dashboard. This BMV sits right after the battery, so the charge of the solar panels is also reflected here.
So for the complete picture. If I’m generating 400W of power, the ship uses 300, the BMV reports a charge current of 100W, and the “battery charged” sensor wil go up by this 100W.

The solar panels consist of 6 MPPT charge controllers, also by Victron. All 6 are coupled with Hass. Because these sensors experience dropouts sometimes I setup a script that adds all the 6 total production sensors together, only when all 6 are available. What I mean by this is that the energy dashboard sensor is not going up and down.

So, Long story short. Am I missing something why my “home” usage data is strange? In my head Hass should be able to figure out that then the panels generate 0,4kWh of power, and the battery sees only 0,1kWh going in that the ship uses 0,3kWh?