I am trying to write an analog sensor value with ha to my Siemens logo.
I have tried different things but it doesn’t work.
I want to write “sensor.envoy_xxxxxxxxx_current_net_power_consumption”
to VW300 → address: 150
I am able to read a sensor and operate switches
- name: logo_meterkast
type: tcp
host: xxxxxxxx
port: xxxx
- name: s_aanrecht
address: 2
write_type: coil
command_on: 1
command_off: 0
scan_interval: 5
- name: s_eettafel
address: 1
write_type: coil
command_on: 1
command_off: 0
scan_interval: 5
- name: Lamp aanrecht
unique_id: lamp_aanrecht
address: 8262
device_class: light
input_type: coil
lazy_error_count: 0
scan_interval: 5
- name: Lamp eettafel
unique_id: lamp_eettafel
address: 8264
device_class: light
input_type: coil
lazy_error_count: 0
scan_interval: 5
- name: Boiler onder
unique_id: boiler_onder
address: 544
input_type: holding
unit_of_measurement: °C
state_class: measurement
scale: 0.1
precision: 1
- name: Boiler boven
unique_id: boiler_boven
address: 545
input_type: holding
unit_of_measurement: °C
state_class: measurement
scale: 0.1
precision: 1
Can anyone help me with an example?
Thank you in advance.