Write to GUI on button press

Hi there

I’ve managed to get HA via TriggerCMD to launch Batch files which start Minecraft Servers (for my 5 year old son). It works :slight_smile:

How I’ve done this is as follows:

Create a button which calls an automation
Create an automation which calls the rest_command
Give the rest_command the URL to the TriggerCMD
TriggerCMD then comes back, hits my server and triggers the batch

However. Lovelace UI does not change the colour of the icon to show that the action has been performed. Also assuming I use HA exclusively to start/stop minecraft servers, it would be nice to be able to have an output on the UI what servers are already running.

So, can you guys think of any way to write a simple message to the UI to keep a track of what servers are already running?

I’m thinking something like:

Creative Mode button clicked > Writes to somewhere > lists on page.


We could simply have a textual list of what servers there are and a true/false. That would work too. OR somehow change the icon colour as they are always yellow for some reason :frowning: