Writing a component for Luxtronik Heatpumps

I’m not a 100% sure, but i think thats ‘ID_Einst_WK_akt’ of the parameters group.
Add that as a sensor to HA and than change the value via the Android APP, that way you can verify it.

Thx @Bouni for this integration, displaying of values works fine so far.

Is it possible to display the current state of items like “ID_Ba_Hz_akt”? I would like to be able to change them via lovelace, but therefore i would like to display the currently selected mode, like it is displayed in the app of alpha.

Do you know why there is the following in HA log:

Log Details (WARNING)

Logger: Luxtronik.Visibilities
Source: custom_components/luxtronik/__init__.py:111
First occurred: 7:26:14 PM (21 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:33:20 PM

    Visibility '346' not in list of visibilities
    Visibility '347' not in list of visibilities
    Visibility '348' not in list of visibilities


Log Details (WARNING)

Logger: Luxtronik.Parameters
Source: custom_components/luxtronik/__init__.py:111
First occurred: 7:26:14 PM (21 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:33:20 PM

    Parameter '1120' not in list of parameters
    Parameter '1121' not in list of parameters
    Parameter '1122' not in list of parameters

Also, there are some debug prints in the HA log. I opened an issue for it.

Thanks for the great component !

@Bouni @Ruald Can anyone share their HA sensor configurations? It’s a lot of work, I would really appriciate it.


###################### Luxtronik
- platform: luxtronik
  scan_interval: 60
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_VBOout
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_VD1out
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_VENout
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_ZIPout
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_ZUPout
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_BWTin
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_HDin
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_MOTin
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_NDin
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_BUPout
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_HUPout
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_FreigabKuehl


###################### Luxtronik
- platform: luxtronik
  scan_interval: 60
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Temperatur_TVL
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Temperatur_TRL
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Sollwert_TRL_HZ
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Temperatur_TA
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Temperatur_TBW
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Einst_BWS_akt
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Time_WPein_akt
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Temperatur_TWE
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Temperatur_TWA
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Code_WP_akt
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Zaehler_BetrZeitWP
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Zaehler_BetrZeitKue
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Zaehler_BetrZeitBW
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Zaehler_BetrZeitHz
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_RBE_RT_Ist
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_RBE_RT_Soll
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_WMZ_Heizung
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_WMZ_Brauchwasser
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_WP_BZ_akt
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Temperatur_THG
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Zaehler_BetrZeitImpVD1
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Freq_VD
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_HZIO_PWM
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Durchfluss_WQ
    - group: calculations
      id: Flow_Rate_254
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Time_LGS_akt
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Switchoff_file_Nr0
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_HauptMenuStatus_Zeile1
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_HauptMenuStatus_Zeile2
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_HauptMenuStatus_Zeile3
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_LIN_HD
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_LIN_ND
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_WMZ_Durchfluss
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_SoftStand
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_AdresseIP_akt
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I guess that you run a newer version of the Luxtronik firmware on your heatpump or that there is some inconsistency between the expected data and what the pump actually sends.
What model and what firmware version do you have?

I have an Alpha Innotec SWC 82K3 with the following info on the web interface:

Type MSW8
Version V3.84.3 (r5195)

I have also an MSW8 Alterra WZS 82K3M and V3.85.2 (r5955) and I don’t have these errors.

Could you share your configuration ? Maybe I’m using some calculations which are not available on this heat pump.

Hi, I would like to be able to choose in home assistant the mode of operation of the heating, …

I have created the following integration:
name: ACS Mode
- “Automatic”
- “Off”
- “Party”
icon: mdi:target

But now I can’t write a new value selected through an automation. Automation is activated when a new value is selected, but this value is not written with the command luxtronik.write. What am I doing wrong ?

  • id: ‘1589813491232’
    alias: Set ACS Mode
    description: ‘’
    • entity_id: input_select.acs_mode
      platform: state
      condition: []
    • data:
      parameter: ID_Ba_Bw_akt
      value: ‘{{ states(’‘input_select.acs_mode’’) }}’
      service: luxtronik.write

This works for me, see action:
Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-24 um 20.17.03

Thanks, it works fine. I was trying to make a unique automation but the option you indicate had not occurred to me.

I guess you have to use data_template instead of data. Try something like that (did not test):

alias: Set ACS Mode
    entity_id: input_select.acs_mode
    platform: state
    service: luxtronik.write
      parameter: ID_Ba_Bw_akt
      value: "{{ trigger.to_state.state }}"

Hi, this configuration is fine for me:

alias: Set ACS Mode

  • entity_id: input_select.acs_mode
    platform: state
  • data:
    parameter: ID_Ba_Bw_akt
    value: ‘{{ states.input_select.acs_mode.state }}’
    service: luxtronik.write

Does someone know which parameter is used to know when the cooling function is activated ? The output used is Out9 but I can’t find the related information. Thanks !

Strange thing I’ve noticed this morning, I don’t know if someone else had the same thing: I have an Alpha Innotec SWC 82K3 but luxtronik.id_web_code_wp_akt (ID_WEB_Code_WP_akt) displays MSW 6S instead of I guess MSW 8S.

EDIT: Just made the update from V3.84.3 to V3.85.4 and now i’ts MSW 19… Really don’t understand what this type should be :sweat_smile:

I have the same issue. I have “no request” in the status instead of “cooling”.

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This is a fault with the firmware, mine shows always HEATING instead of cooling. The alpha home app is not supported anymore which has the same issues (status of cooling/heating is not shown). @Ruald

Which firmware do you have ? I’ve just made an update this morning to V3.85.4, I’ll see if it fixes the issue.

@WhistleMaster How did you get / install this update? I have to call and beg my installer to install a new release. I just got this update in 4 years.

I have V3.85.2 which has the problems.