Writing a component for Luxtronik Heatpumps

Hi everyone,

I can't find the value (ID_WEB_SLPout) under parameters.
How can I switch the solar pump on and off?
I want to automate the whole thing myself.

Thank you

Hi everyone,
is there any update about luxtronik becomming an official HomeAssistant AddOn?
@Bouni I would love to use the luxtronik PlugIn for further optimization of my home but
unfortunately the Logs tell, that the component will not longer work with the newest version of HomeAssistant. I would highly appriciate if anybody could get this fixed.

Hi @MoaGandi,

is there any update about luxtronik becomming an official HomeAssistant AddOn?

No, so far I’ve not worked on getting this officially into HA as the requirements are quite strict and I’ve no spare time at the moment.

I would love to use the luxtronik PlugIn for further optimization of my home but
unfortunately the Logs tell, that the component will not longer work with the newest version of HomeAssistant. I would highly appriciate if anybody could get this fixed.

How did you install the integration?
I highly recommend installing it via HACS because then you get pretty close to an official integration and you can update via HACS as well!

What HA version do you run at the moment?
I’ve 2021.6.6 and don’t get any warnings with the latest release (0.1.20)

I would like to use the energy used by the heatpump in the HA energy display.

But it is not available in the energy page, pointing me to here:

Is there a solution?

Yes, install a kWh meter to measure the usage correctly and readout those values in HA. I use a SDM30-modbus and it’s working great.

Thanks, that is a solution.
I was more thinking in using of the value: ID_WEB_WMZ_Seit.
It must be possible to give it some attributes or template it. the data is there.

The data out the heatpump is an estimate of heat produced NOT consumed. Factor 3-5 difference.

Hello together, I am very sorry to bring up this topic again. However I have problems to integrate my Luxtronik Heatpump in Hass. I installed Luxtronik via HACS and added the lines as suggested into my configuration.yaml
and even without the quotation marks it did not work.

However I do not have sensors or anything else. In my custom components folder there is a “Luxtronik” folder after installation.

I have both, supervisor and os on current level.

Maybe someone could please help?

In my case. All is ok. This is my configuration / sensor yaml


ok, thanks! now i got this working. However, I really would love to convert seconds to days hours minutes for example:

shows only in seconds. This is not easy to deal with. Anyone could help?

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Verdichter Standzeit
        value_template: >- 
          {% set time = (states.luxtronik.id_web_time_vdstd_akt.state | int) | int %}
          {% set minutes = ((time % 3600) / 60) | int %}
          {% set hours = ((time % 86400) / 3600) | int %}
          {% set days = (time / 86400) | int %}        
          {%- if time < 60 -%}
            {%- else -%}
            {%- if days > 0 -%}
              {{ days }}d
            {%- endif -%}
            {%- if hours > 0 -%}
              {%- if days > 0 -%}
                {{ ' ' }}
              {%- endif -%}
              {{ hours }}h
            {%- endif -%}
            {%- if minutes > 0 -%}
              {%- if days > 0 or hours > 0 -%}
                {{ ' ' }}
              {%- endif -%}
              {{ minutes }}m
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endif -%}

I read about installing this custom component via HACS but I am not able to find it at all. Is it not called luxtronik ?

I would like to read all the values of my heat pump.

I found this Bouni program but I can’t run it from home assistant. Dump all readings from a Luxtronik heatpump · GitHub

When I run it from the developer tools services menu I get error calling service python_script.dump-luxtronik. Service python_script.dump-luxtronik does not match format . for dictionary value @ data[‘sequence’][0][‘service’]. Got ‘python_script.dump-luxtronik’

Can you tell me how to launch this program? If possible step by step, I have no experience with .py files.

try it

Sorry Kabala, but I don’t understand your answer.

I already have the Luxtronik home assistant integration installed and working, but I don’t know how to run .py program of @Bouni that let me read all the parameters of the heat pump.

You have to install the luxtronic component with hacs. Then you can add in your config file the following:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  port: 8889

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: luxtronik
      - group: calculations
        id: ID_WEB_Temperatur_TVL

Thanks WhistleMaster, I already have luxtronik installed with hacs and configured. The plugin is working perfectly, I can read and write variables.

My question is how to run this Bouni program to be able to read all the variables of the heat pump together.

I have no experience in running .py files and I’m asking what are the instructions to run it.

I got the same issue a couple of days ago. If you run HA in a docker container, go to the terminal and run
from the command line: python ***.py - in this case the dump.lux.py
to be able to see the individual parameters better type
python dump-luxtronik.py|less , that allows you to successively list the many parameters,
most useful with the fist 100 parameters of ‘Parameters’.
Python should be already included in the HA installation, so you can use it directly.

hope that helps

Your solution does not work for me. I have Hassio installed (not in docker). When I open a terminal window and type sudo or another command I get the message “command not found”.

What can I do ?

Hi Together,

Where can I see which parameters I can read from the heat pump?
