I hooked a esp8266 to a dual relay board and an 20x4 lcd using i2c - nothing special. The relays do want I want them to do and got “Hello World!” printed to the lcd (from the esphome website example) but I’m running into a wall when I want to display these things:
wifi signal strengh
time relay last triggered by person.name
and if that triggered and open of close of the door.
I found WiFi Info Text Sensor — ESPHome but there is no example how to embed that or use it. Since this is the first time I’m using esphome bit overwhelmed by yaml and the lambda notations.
I’m sure I’m not the only one that has asked this but what I found did not work and did not find indepth information about how to use WiFi Info Text Sensor.
When the 8266 boots I got nan on lines 1 and 2, when the 8266 is connected I got on line 1 the dB and on line 2 the strength in percentages… Next step will be the capture the nan and show “connecting…” or something.
About the person… Hassio has persons, I mean every member of my family has their own account in Hassio. Those are persons and if someone turns on the lights with their phone hassio log shows something like: light livingroom turned on my Sjoerd eg.
The switches I exposed from the esphome device show the same so i was wondering (and I’m positive it can be done) if I could get that information on the esp device
Updated yaml:
Remaining issue: I can update the display when triggered by as soon as if falls back to normal state (relay is only active for 750ms) the message disappears from the display and I have no idea how to control that to be fair…
Just some coil relays - nothing special really. The esp momentarily activates the relay for just under a second and then releases it. I want to keep in the display when it last happened but as soon as the relay falls back to “off” the message got removed. I think is has to do with id(relay).state but I have no idea how to prevent is from updating. If it was just c++ i had to tinker with I would have stored it and put it on the display when ! id(relay).state or something but I don’t dig this yaml stuff at all yet.
That doesn’t answer my question. What happens during the 750ms if it’s not a latching circuit?
I could read between the lines that you have a garage door with open/close contact toggled with a relay… But I prefer you describe the circuit.
when everything works i will connect the relay to the garagedoor remote - is short: it replaces the physical button press (which shorts two points to trigger the remote)
So you don’t have any feedback and you don’t know if the signal was received or if some other remote was used. One not received button press and your state is out of synch. Can you live with that?
I fact I do since i got a binary read sensor on the door at end and start - i know when door is fully open, fully closed or somewhere in between - cant see if is moving tho - that would be a whole other thing.
But I do not know how to read/get those values into the esp… This is just my first “serious” project using esphome - did more with esp but all using visual code.
I’m off for the time being - dinner - appreciate the input!
the binary sensors are just magnetic read contact and are entities in home assistant. But I use those just to turn on/off the lights in my garage using some fancy node-red flow, but that is entirely beside my question