Hassio user here with zero experience in Python
Extremely helpful topic for people who needs to track sensors to google sheets. I tried google_sheets add on at first. But it’s not working because of some changes in scope. Then tried fork of @Wonkavator. It creates sheets, but does not fill them with data.
After finding this thread I merged google_sheets code / config with @vladosam solution when helping @taddeuz. I wanted a bit more separation between different sensor types and naming sensors in google sheets
Config after my merge /config/appdaemon/apps/apps.yaml:
module: gsheets
class: GSheets
SpreadSheetName: "Hass to google sheets"
RunEverySec: 30
upload: [
sheetName: "Humidity",
nameInSheet: '1a.',
entity: "sensor.humidity_1a"
# <....>
sheetName: "Temperature",
nameInSheet: 'V kambarys',
entity: "sensor.temperature_vijauskamb"
sheetName: "Electricity",
nameInSheet: 'Gyvatukas',
entity: "sensor.consumption_gyvatukas"
sheetName: "Electricity",
nameInSheet: 'Boileris',
entity: "sensor.consumption_boileris"
Code itself:
import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import datetime
class GSheets(hass.Hass):
def initialize(self):
self.log("GSheets started")
runtime = datetime.datetime.now()
addseconds = (round((runtime.minute*60 + runtime.second)/self.args["RunEverySec"])+1)*self.args["RunEverySec"]
runtime = runtime.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=addseconds)
def publish_to_gs(self,kwargs):
scope = ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds',
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('/share/googleDriveCredentials.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)
fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
d = datetime.datetime.now()
d_string = d.strftime(fmt)
spreadSheet = client.open(self.args["SpreadSheetName"])
uploadJson = self.args["upload"] #json string
for option in uploadJson:
if(self.__checkSheetsCreated(spreadSheet ,option["sheetName"]) == False):
sheet = spreadSheet.add_worksheet(title=option["sheetName"], rows="100", cols="10")
sheet = spreadSheet.worksheet(option["sheetName"])
entityState = self.get_state(option["entity"])
nameInSheet = option["nameInSheet"]
row = [d_string,nameInSheet,entityState]
index = 2
sheet.insert_row(row, index, value_input_option='USER_ENTERED')
def __checkSheetsCreated(self,spreadSheet,sheetName):
#output a list of all the sheets in a document
listWorkSheets = spreadSheet.worksheets()
for workSheet in listWorkSheets:
if(sheetName == workSheet.title):
return True
return False
Result of spreadsheet:
And here comes the question for Python / hass professionals : is it hard to put condition filling value to google sheets only if previous value (by name) differs? I don’t need listening to in my scenario. Every hour (or so) filling is o.k. for me. But for most of my electricity sensors there would be lots of redundant data.
I wounder why all of this cannot be converted to add on. As google sheets is pretty useful cloud storage.