HI below is error
17-02-25 16:10:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service_data=notification_id=invalid_config, message=The following components and platforms could not be set up:
* sensor.yr
Please check your config, title=Invalid config, service_call_id=1979283920-1, service=create, domain=persistent_notification>
17-02-25 16:10:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=None, new_state=<state persistent_notification.invalid_config=The following components and platforms could not be set up:
* sensor.yr
Please check your config; title=Invalid config @ 2017-02-25T16:10:56.677808+05:30>, entity_id=persistent_notification.invalid_config>
i follow this tutorial
and i have cehck comfig file its all ok but still getting error.
any one can help me
below is my config file
_ # Name of the location where Home Assistant is running_
_ name: Home_
_ # Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets_
_ latitude: 31.3256_
_ longitude: 75.5792_
_ # Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters)_
_ elevation: 242_
_ # metric for Metric, imperial for Imperial_
_ unit_system: metric_
_ # Pick yours from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones_
_ time_zone: Asia/Kolkata_
_# Show links to resources in log and frontend_
_#### This will be removed once you are comfortable with the front end. It includes links back to home-assistant.io for help topics._
_# Enables the frontend_
_#### 99% chance you will never need to disable this._
_#### There are no configuration values within the frontend: component _
_ # Uncomment this to add a password (recommended!)_
_ #### This component controls which port Home Assistant run on, SSL configuration, and other tpc/ip and web server configurations. We will walk through this in future videos._
_ #### Component definition https://home-assistant.io/components/http/_
_ # api_password: PASSWORD_
_# Checks for available updates_
_# Discover some devices automatically_
_#### This component will try to automatically add 11 different uPnP devices. This includes Chromecast, Wemo Switches, Hue Lights, Netgear routers, Plex, Viera, Roku, Sonos, Yamaha media player, Squeezebox, DirectTV_
_#### I have found this to work about 75% of the time, also this can be slow. I recommend adding the components manually (We will add Sonos, Philips Hue in the next walk-through)_
_# Allows you to issue voice commands from the frontend in enabled browsers_
_# Enables support for tracking state changes over time._
_#### this is great for seeing usage overtime, and understanding when things might not be working exactly the way you want them to_
_## If you are having resource issues and do not use this function, it is safe to disable._
_# View all events in a logbook_
_#### this is great for seeing usage overtime, and understanding when things might not be working exactly the way you want them to. Similar in a way to history_
_# Track the sun_
_# Weather Prediction_
_#### This is the default weather sensor. It gets it's data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. It is a good demo, but we will change to Weather Underground in the next walk-through_
_#### The sensor component can show more than weather, it shows state information (such as temprature) from other entities. We will walk through entities in the next walk-throughs_
_ platform: yr_