Wrong data in energy dashboard but sensor data seems to be ok


Already using home assistant for more than a year. In the past i had sometimes a wrong value (mostly during setup of new sensors etc) so i know how to correct them. Now this one is different… i don’t see any “wrong” data in the sensor but energy dashboard is giving a peak.

In the energy dashboard I’ve setup 2 sensor to measure the total input and output of my battery (since installation). In the picture below you can see the total output sensor for the past hours.

So no battery output power since 18:00h until like 11:00h (battery soc was at 10%). But the energy dashboard is giving me a peak at around 05:00h

It seems the “consumed” battery energy equals the total amount of energy deliverd by the battery (since installation). This value is reported by the inverter and not calculated by home assistant.

Question: how do i correct this wrong value, since the sensor data is not wrong (and even not changed around 05:00h)

What does energy csv export of day with that spike say?

What does adjust-sum dialog show if you go to that time?

the csv entry looks like this: sensor.knx_battery_output_energy_total,battery_out,kWh,0,0,0,0,0,1590.8,0,0,0,0,0,0.20000000000004547,0.09999999999990905,0,0,0,0.10000000000013642,0.5,0.09999999999990905,0.10000000000013642

Adjust sum looks like this:

I could be wrong but I think the bar at “5:00” actually represents the growth from 5:00-6:00, so the statistic might be recorded at 6:00 in adjust-sum instead of 5:00.

Also at 6:00 i don’t see anything wrong.

Ok found it. you were right, it happend at 05:15h…