Wrong device asignation - ZHA Tuya TS0044 switch

Hi every one,

I am trying to configure a Tuya switch with Conbee II coordinator on ZHA.

On the surface of the Switch is the Model-Nr written: ESW-0ZAA-EU which according to the Zigbee device compatibly repository corresponds to the model TS0044. My coordinator discovers the model TS004F. This one is very similar, but with fewer functionalities.

I was trying to solve the issue myself, but I have not that much experience on this, and I am starting to think I was fooled on AliExpress.

Can anyone tell me how I check if it’s a wrong device assignation from my coordinator?

Can I force the coordinator to use another model configuration?

I would be grateful if anyone can share a good manual with basics for such things. I am a newbie on zigbee


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looking for the same answer

There are 2 versions of this device and some stores (even on Amazon) sell them interchangeably. Unfortunately, from what I see, there is no way to tell the difference between the two versions from the outside.