Wrong state of mqtt cover

Hello community, for some time now I have been experiencing a strange behavior in the management of the states of cover type entities. My covers are grouped together and when I send the open/close command, not all states are displayed correctly, especially during the transition period between open and closed (opening-closing).
my entities are all defined as this:

  - unique_id: cv_ave_48
    object_id: cv_ave_48
    name: "tapparella bagno"
    state_topic: "/00:1f:4c:0f:55:78/devices/blinds/48/state"
    command_topic: "/00:1f:4c:0f:55:78/devices/blinds/48/state"
    position_topic: "/00:1f:4c:0f:55:78/devices/blinds/48/state"
    payload_open: "1-OPEN"
    payload_close: "0-CLOSE"
    payload_stop: "0-STOP"
    state_open: "1"
    state_closed: "0" 
    qos: 1
    device_class: shutter
    state_opening: "1-OPEN"
    state_closing: "0-CLOSE"
    state_stopped: "0-STOP"
    optimistic: true
      {% if (value == '0') %} 
      {% elif (value == '1') %} 
      {% else %} 
      {% endif %}

Here you can see a representation of what happens, but the same thing is also noticeable using the developer’s tools.Close command for the group button generates this behaviour:
as you can notice all the cover change state to close immediately but any report the state of closing (red icon in the example).
I would expect the same behaviour al the time but any time the result is different affecting different entities.

the same strange thing happen when I close a single entity, sometimes it change to closed/opened immediately (still closing) and other times it report closing state (even when the cover is fully closed)

Can you help me ?