I know that already discussed… Read some posts. Ex. … time zone …
But could not find why I have 1 hour difference between ‘present/local time’ and time seen in ‘hass.io log’.
I have a zone:
unit_system: metric
time_zone: Europe/Warsaw
name: Home
And do not see any reason why I have this difference…
Is there some hass.io related log that is different from the Developer Tools LOG tab, and the Logbook, and home-assistant.log? Because all of them are always in local time, not UTC.
I thought hass.io was an installation method, not a program.
When you say “the log file itself … for Hass.io”, do you mean home-assistant.log? If so, that’s been in local time for the year and a half or so I’ve been using HA. The only time I’ve seen where it’s not is when someone has their system misconfigured. And the usual culprit IIRC is setting the time zone in the environment in which HA runs (OS, Docker, whatever) incorrectly, which I think, might be unusually common with hass.io.