Few weeks ago i received WS2815 LED and assembled with my Wemos D1 Mini pro. It was working well, but i was checking it “in air”, without 12V to 5V converter and powering my wemos through USB. Now i decided to put it into final destination and power Wemos with Pololu D24V10F5 converter. When i did this it worked, but the colors are wrong… Sometimes it’s pink, blue, pink, blue and so on. When i try to change the color in the HA sometimes it changes, but not for the desired one. What am i missing? Is my converter working bad? Or power source?
I have change it, but it still flickers, sometimes change to wrong color and when i turn it off, first 4 leds remain turned on do you think that converter might get damaged or wemos?
I cheked it with different Wemos powered with usb and common ground and problem still exists… Additionaly, when i change brightness color also changes… Wtf?
Well, i cheked it with different power source and the problem still remains… Maybe its too long data wire?
You can test the stepdown module with a volt meter, if the input voltage is within 9-36v then the output should be 5v. Its good.
Your wemos seems ok as it boots up and you can connect to it.
Esphome has another driver you can try , the neopixelbus driver is for WS2812 led’s as well.
Converter is ok - it gives 5V output. I have tested Leds with short data wire (but ground for wemos was still long, i dont know if it matters?), but the problem still exists… I am losing hope… Should level shifter be closer to wemos or closer to LED strip?