WS980WIFI Weatherstation


I got my weather station (WS980WiFi) today and wanted to integrate it into HA.
I found the following module on github:

After adding the files under custom_components I get the error that the WS980WiFi module is not available.

Does anyone know a solution?

Is there another module we can use to read out the station?


Hello Herbert,
I hope you are doing well and maybe you have already been able to connect your device WS980WiFi to HA.
I’m facing the same challenge right now, could you give me some help so that I can follow you on the way to the integration of the Weatherstation.
Warm greetings from the Eifel

Hi Holger,

there are 4 ways i tried:

  1. GitHub - eXtgmA/ws980wifi: ELV WS980WiFi integration for Home-Assistant
  2. If you use a CCU from Homeativ, then via CUXD (ELV Wetterstation WS980Wifi in Homematic - Seite 3 - HomeMatic-Forum / FHZ-Forum)
  3. Via Fhem and MQTT
  4. Then there is also the option of using WEBHOOKS. I tried that, it worked, but it was too complicated for me.

Number 1 is integrated directly, but didn’t always work with with. From time to time no values are read - only after a restart of HA

Number 2 works very well, currently my favorite solution

Number 3 also works very well, I have let it run for over 1 year. Had an old FHEM installation that supports the device directly.

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