Wtermostat mqtt script read state

good morning, i have a beca thermostat where i flasher the wtermostatbeca firmware. using the mqtt protocol inserted it on home assistant. I would like to create a script that reads when the thermostat closes the heating relay. Which command can I use?


What is the entity_id of the relay and how do you want to be notified when the relay is on?

Just a graph or sensor display in the front end, or a notification message, or a statistics sensor that tells you how long the relay has been on today?

by id entity do you mean climate identity? I’ll put you the link of the firmware page so maybe you can help me.

I would like to be notified with a notification.

Unfortunately I can’t access github where I am at the moment.

Go to the developer tools states menu, look for your climate entity and copy its attributes here. If you are going to use a screenshot, please make it small. I’m on a very slow satellite link.


  • heat
  • auto
  • ‘off’
    min_temp: 10
    max_temp: 35
    target_temp_step: 0.5
  • none
  • away
    current_temperature: 19.5
    temperature: 18
    hvac_action: idle
    preset_mode: none
    friendly_name: termostato
    supported_features: 17

thanks to your indications I understood how to receive the notification. is it possible to create a graph with activation time?

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Yes but unfortunately the Lovelace History graph only graphs entities, not entity attributes. Usually the way around this is to create a template sensor from the attribute and graph that.

However, the climate entity is a special case. If you create a Lovelace history graph and specify the climate entity as the thing to graph it will show: the set temperature, the current temperature and the times the thermostat is on.

Actually, now I think about it, that may only be in the more-info pop-up for the climate entity. I’m not sure - try it and see. If it does not show the active times on the graph we can go down the template sensor path.

OK, I will try. I ask you for another help. i am trying to integrate imou camera movements. i used onvif to visualize it but how could i manage the movements?